Chapter 3 - Hazel Eyes - Warrick ✔️

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[Edited - January 8th, 2023]

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⚠️ Warning. This chapter contains sensitive content that may trigger others. There will be no warning before it happens. ⚠️


Kill him.

He snarled.

He incessantly demanded for the dozenth time in the last goddamn hour.

Will you, for the love of God... Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

The man, which he demanded the death of, was currently dangling from the ceiling.

And what a beautiful sight it was.

Chains bound his wrists together above his head, his body stretched to the point his bare little piggies barely caressed the puddle of blood that pooled below his feet... which had begun to coagulate, looking like a gelatinous goo as the cruor mixed with his freshly spilled vintage.

He'd been up there for days, blubbering nonsense and not the words I needed to hear and in turn, making a mess all over himself and the stained floor.

The motherfucker was a hard one to crack, but as they always do, they eventually give in... the hard way.

Tossing the bloody shears onto the table, joining the man's severed digits, I cracked my neck and hissed in relief. I've been going at it for hours today; it wasn't until after twenty lashes from a bullwhip and removing six fingers that he finally gave up the information I needed.

Just in time for dinner...

Walking to the sink, I cranked open the tap and cleansed my hands of his liquid carmine under the hot water.

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