Chapter 29 - Phantom - Warrick

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[Not Edited – November 23, 2022]

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⚠️ Warning. This chapter contains sensitive content that could be triggering. There will be no warning before it happens. ⚠️


Pale digits splattered with red, lay lifeless against the floor. The limb, sticking out of the entrance of one of the many bedrooms, was in a pool of blood that flowed further and further into the hall.

She ran faster and faster as the sounds of gunshots and screams ripped through the air. I twirled my fingers through the long blond locks dripping with the sanguine fluid, as I focused on the heartbeat pounding against my cheek and felt the heavy pants of breath puffing through my hair and down my face.

The nightmares of my sleep would never compare to the terror I felt now. The carnage I'd witnessed I could still see behind my clenched eyelids.

The slamming of a door closing shut behind us caused me to peel my eyes open, only to be met by the darkness of the basement. I bounced in her arms as she sped down the hallway towards the utility room.

Her blood-covered hand twisted the knob as she hurried inside and kicked the door closed behind us. Setting me down on top of one of the washing machines, she hurried over to one of the storage cabinets and pushed her body against it, heaving and groaning as it gradually slid across the wall towards another storage cabinet tucked into the corner of the room. Once they were close together, she arranged them to create a small alcove behind them.

Rushing back to me, she picked me up and tucked me into the small crevice she created.

"Get in. Do not come out no matter what you hear. Understand me, Ricky?"

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