Chapter 9 - Recovery - Baby

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⚠️ There is no warning for this chapter, it's AAALLLL fluff. ⚠️


My cold fingers clamp over my mouth as I try to hide my laugh.

When Warrick came back last night, he climbed back into the bed, tucking one of my new dark blue fuzzy blankets we got at target, around us. Not before tossing the Sven pillow pet onto a massive soft-looking chair off to the side. Claiming he was a much better pillow than Sven was.

I simply shrugged, not really caring one way or the other as it was already hard for me to keep my eyes open. Bunny had put some clear liquid into a clear tube tapped to my arm before I felt all fuzzy and weightless.

Waking up just a few minutes ago, I forgot where I was. The walls a light grey, nowhere near as dark and dingy as the muddy brown planks of the attic. Another thing that alerted me I was no longer in my room was the dim lighting I could see trying to peek out from behind stormy grey curtains covering the windows.

Machines crowded next to the bed I lay in. A few soft-sounding beeps filled the silence as well as a deep rumbling sound. At my side, Warrick lay sound asleep, every time he breathed in, I heard those sounds come from the back of his nose.


What had me laughing was the little bit of drool at the corner of his mouth and the death grip he had around my arm, hugging it against his chest. My fingers trapped under his cheek as he nuzzled it against his pillow.

He took my arm hostage.

I didn't protest though, last night he seemed overly tired and a bit troubled.

With my free arm, I reached over to the bed table and grabbed the black jug of water, and tipped it carefully back as I sipped at the clear bendy straw sticking out of it.

It was still cool and felt good against my dry throat. A feeling I was starting to be annoyed with when I started speaking again. Bunny said my scratches were almost healed and the itch would go away soon.

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