Stay on call.

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This part is Skeppy being unable to sleep, and bad offers to sleep on call with him, a few days of sleeping on call every night, Also I may sometimes use their real names just to make the whole roomate theme be realistic.

Skeppy's POV:

I haven't slept yet. I've been up all night, mindlessly editing. I can't fall asleep, because I have- wait... Why can't I fall asleep? I live alone, it's not like I have anyone to be around.

I decided I should get a bit of sleep, so I can stream or something later today. I go and lay down on the bed. "I wonder if Bad is asleep right now, wouldn't that be cute if we fell asleep at the same time?"

I thought to myself. "Stop thinking about what he is doing and go to bed IDOT." Am I really arguing with myself? I can't fall asleep. So I decided I'll call Darryl and ask for advice on how to go to bed.

*Ring Ring Ring* I heard the call go through.
"Hey Geppy, why are you still awake? I know you didn't go to sleep last night." He sounds so tired, his deep and raspy voice already almost made me pass out, it was calming in a weird way.

I guess it was just the fact that I didn't feel alone in my house anymore.

"Bad!!!!! I'm so tired and I can't fall asleep!!!!" I said before I was almost completely out of it. "I was just asleep, but if you need help I'll help *Yawn* I'll help you." Bad said sounding a little more awake.

"Why do you think you can't fall asleep, Geppy?" Bad asked. "I guess... It's because I feel lonely, Darryl." Honestly I just wanted him to keep talking. "Awe Skeppy 🥺" I could imagine his face, by the way he sounded.

"I'll go to sleep on call with you, so you won't feel so lonely." Bad offered.
"Wouldnt.. that be weird?" "No it wouldn't! I'm just trying to make sure you get sleep before we stream tomorrow.!" Bad reassured me.

"I'm just kidding, I think that will help me sleep." Bad began humming, probably because he had nothing to say. Before I knew it I fell asleep.

BadBoyHalo's POV:

I had no idea what to say, and I wanted him to go to bed instead of worrying about responding to me, but I also wanted him to know I was there so he won't feel alone.

I started humming you are my sunshine into the phone softly so it wouldn't be so loud. As I got to the part that says "You'll never know dear, how much I love you." I can hear Skeppy snore softly. I whisper under my breath.

"So please don't take my sunshine away, Good night Zak." I listen to the pattern of his snores. My breathing pace starting to match the beat, and my heart starts to flutter. I don't know what's happening, but I feel like I'm floating.

I don't remember where I am, all I can hear is Zak. I've never felt like this before. I didn't even notice, but I had fallen asleep.

*BEEP BEEP BEEP, WAKE UP!* My alarm had gone off, and I shot awake. I had a dream about...Skeppy?

Nononono, it was just because I could hear him snoring. I remember how I felt last night. Why exactly did I feel like that? Was it just because I haven't slept with anyone in a long time?

Oh my goodness... I didn't mean it like that, I mean it's been awhile since I had fallen asleep around other people. Honestly I'm terrified of sleeping around people, even on call.

Skeppy was just different, I knew he wouldn't judge me or anything like that. Speaking of Skeppy, he is asleep on the phone still, I can still hear his small snores, he is really tired.

I guess I can let him sleep a bit longer before we get ready to stream. I lay on the bed and listen to his snores again.

*BEep BEep* My second alarm went off, but that doesn't go off till 4:PM! Oh no no no no no I fell asleep again! Skeppy is still asleep, I have to wake him up or we will stream late. "Geppy! Geppy, Wake up!" "I've been awake, I'm already set up." He said "WHY DIDNT YOU WAKE ME UP?" I was confused.

"You just sounded so cute, asleep." "I figured I could listen, and let you sleep while I get the stream set up." He said. I sound cute? What? "I-Wha?" I was confused. "Never mind Bad, just set up." He said. "I- okay." I replied.

"Bye Darryl." He said. "Bye Zak!" We hang up. The stream goes normal, just messing around on the SMP.

I'm sorry this was kinda short, part 2 is like 3x as long, but I hope you all enjoyed.

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