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BadBoyHalo's POV:

It's 4:00PM and I'm worried when Zak wakes up he'll regret what happened last night. It's not like I can just hide it from him, he has a photo of us kissing as his wallpaper.

Not only that, but the clip of us kissing on stream is all over YouTube and Twitter. If he finds it weird, I'll just say we were both drunk last night, but in reality it was only him.

I hear Skeppy rustling in the bed.
"Darryl..?" He said in a sickly voice. "How drunk did I get, haha.. I feel so sick.." Skeppy continued.

"You were.. really drunk..." "Here, I'll go get you some medicine." I stood up and went to the medicine cabinet in the upstairs bathroom. I grabbed a bottle of water from the kitchen, and went back to my room where Zak was.

"Here Skep, take this." I handed him the water, and the medicine and he drank it. "Thanks bad.." Skeppy said. "You're welcome!" I replied.

"Bad..Why am I in your room.. isn't my bed in my room now?" Skeppy asked. "..." I Don't know how to answer that. "Yeah, your bed is there.. I just moved you in here so I can keep an eye on you." I lied.

"What time is it?" Skeppy reached for his phone and I panic. He turns the phone on, and is greeted with the photo he took of us making out. "Bad.." Skeppy says. Oh fudge... This is were Skeppy and I aren't friends anymore..

"Did this actually happen..." Skeppy asked. "Uh..." Silence.

"Yes.. it did happen." I answered. "Were you drunk?" He asked me, and looked over at me with saddened eyes. I can't lie to him again. "No, I wasn't." He looks back at his phone and smiles.

"That's real?" "Tha-thats real?" He repeated himself. He stands up out of bed and walks over to me. He grabs my shirt collar, and pulls me closer to his face.

"Kiss me like that again." My entire body fills with excitement. He actually meant it! He loves me! My thoughts were interrupted as Skeppy pulls me into a kiss.

My hands travel around his waist. As his go through my hair. I bite his tongue lightly. "Mh~" He moaned slightly in to the kiss. We break the kiss, and a small string of saliva traced from our lips.

Zak catches his breath. "I love you Darryl." I pull him into a hug. "I love you, Zak." "We should tell our friends and fans." Zak said. "About that... Check twitter." I responded and laughed.

Every were was the clip of Skeppy and me kissing on Minx's stream. Our DMs were full of our friends congratulating us. Zak re-watches the clip over and over. "That's so fucking hot." Skeppy commented "Language, Skeppy!" I giggled.

"Zak, would you like to have a relationship..with me?" I asked nervous for his response. "YESSS YESSS YES YES YES YES AHHOMYGOHD YES YES, DARRYL!" Zak had small tears in his eyes. I wiped them away. I give him a sweet smooch on the cheek. He sat me down on the bed, and sat on my lap.

"I've been waiting on this forever!" Skeppy starts biting my neck all over. Not too "sexual" but passionately.

I rub his back, and play with his hair. I look at Skeppy's neck that already has bruises on it from last night. I chuckle to my self. "Are you still feeling sick?" I asked Skeppy. "No. I'm feeling loved." Skeppy replied before laying on my chest, and falling asleep. 

Sorry that took forever to make. Writers block
Idk if this is the end. Lemme know if you want more. I took my lemon/fluff shot book down because it flopped. And it was cringe. Lemme know if I should put it back up!!! Baiii

Omg they were roommates?!?! [Skephalo]Where stories live. Discover now