Don't forget this.

367 13 10

Really short part, I'm so sorry

Skeppy's POV:

I was still sat on Darryl's lap facing him, and my head was laid on his chest and I couldn't hear anything but his heart. I may not remember much from this experience, but I can still remember the pattern of his heartbeat. I feel bad raise his hands up to my back, and his chin resting on me.

"Darryl.." I said. "Yeah, zak?" He responded. "Do you know what just happened?" I asked, still slurring my words. "No, zak." Darryl answered. "Do you want it to happen again?" I asked. "..." Darryl was silent.

I looked up at him, and he looked down at me. He placed his hand on the side of my face, and the other on my chin. He leaned in tilting his head, as did I. Once again, our lips pressed together, feeling like fireworks. Everytime we touched I felt that spark.

I may have not been in my right mind, but it feels like It was more right then wrong. I can feel him relaxing, and his muscles weakening. He licks my bottom lip, I assume signaling for his tongue to enter my mouth.

(Haha sorry for the cringe) I open my mouth and his tongue slips in. My eyes widen, but soon I melt into the kiss.

Darryl slips his hand under my hoodie, and on to my back, as mine goes under his shirt, and on his chest. I sit up better on his lap, and his other arm goes around me, pulling me closer.

After a few moments the kiss is over, and I am laying on his chest. Darryl is still holding me like he was before, rubbing his hand on my back. "Zak." Darryl says in a slow and low tone.

"Yeah?" I replied. "I-" Darryl pauses. "I love you."
I feel a warm spot in my chest, spreading throughout my body. "I love you." I say back. Darryl holds me tighter. "No, I am afraid you don't." Darryl said. "W-what do you mean?" I asked. "Your drunk.. zak." Darryl replied.

"There is a chance we won't even remember this tomorrow."
I think for a moment. "Well let's make sure we remember." I said before pulling Darryl in for another kiss. I snap a picture of us on my phone, and break the kiss.

I make the photo my wallpaper. "See, we will remember." I said. "But what if the feelings you have are just acholol?" Darryl replied. "Darryl... There not." I said. "How do you know that?" He asked. "Because I've had them before we drank." I blurted out, and the room fell silent.

You can hear a ringing sound on Darryl's computer. It's Minx and Puffy on discord. We joined the call. "Hello?" Darryl said. "Heyyyyy lovebirds." Minx said. "What, what do you mean by that?" Darryl said. "You know, that was on stream right?" Puffy added. "What was on stream?" I asked. I'm feeling a little more sober.

"The uh... Kiss you guys had." Puffy responded. "So... It's on the internet?" I asked. "Yeah.." puffy said. I muted the discord, and turned to Darryl. "I guess we won't forget this." I said, then smiled at Darryl.

538 words.

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