Muffins, Boxes, and Pancakes.

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(Just realized all of last chapter was BadBoyHalo's POV, so this one is gonna be Skeppy's.)
Gets a lil confusing haha, don't hate me.

Skeppy's POV:

I woke up to the sun in my face, I feel kind of cold as I lay in the bed alone. Alone? Wasn't Darryl here last night? I hope he didn't get weirded out, and went to sleep on the couch.

Its 8:00 Am, and I walk out of Darryl's room into the living room to see if Darryl is there. To my surprise, he isn't. I walked slowly into the kitchen, and see Darryl over at the stove. It smells of...Blueberry pancakes! Wait? Is he making us pancakes?

I walk up behind him quietly, and wrapped my arms around his lower waist. He jumped a little, but then he relaxed. "Oh, good morning Skeppy!" He said in a cheery voice. "Good morning, Darryl." I had a weird morning voice, that caused my voice to be a little deeper than usual.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked Darryl. "I'm making you breakfast! Blueberry pancakes!" Darryl replied. "Aw, you didn't have to do that." I said, as I started to play with his hair. "Its fine, I just wanted to make sure you weren't hungry before we started moving you in!" Darryl is so nice.

I give him a tighter hug, and then go and sit down at the table. Darryl and I talk about random things, while he finishes cooking the pancakes. "Geppy, they are done!" Darryl said happily. He places the pancakes on the table, and they look practically perfect.

"I didn't know you were so good at cooking pancakes!" I told him. "Well, I knew they were your favorite, so a few months ago I practiced incase we ever met up." Darryl said casually. "Darryl, that is the nicest thing anyone has ever did for me!" I said fake crying.

"Nicer than giving someone $50,000?" Darryl started laughing. "You're a nice muffin, Zak." He said. "You're the nicest muffin!" I said back. Darryl giggled. "I am going to eat this pancakes with pride, and-" I said, I realized he didn't have any pancakes.

"Wait- where are yours at?" I asked Darryl. "Im not that hungry, so I only made you some." Darryl replied. I walked over to the cabinet, and pulled out a plate, and a fork. I placed it in front of Darryl, and took 2 pancakes off of my plate, and on to his. "You are going to eat that, Darryl." I said.

"But-" I cut him off. "4 pancakes are too many for me, and I won't eat them unless you do!" I told him. "Fine!" He let out a small, cute growl.

We finished our pancakes, and put our dishes away.
I grabbed my keys, and told Darryl I am going to start bringing stuff in. Darryl came with me to my car, and helped me carey the stuff in. "I don't really have that much stuff to be honest, most of it is for Streams, and YouTube, or just my room." I told him as we were walking back to the house.

We started to unpack the boxes, and Darryl unboxed my YouTooz, of him and I. "Aww look Geppy!" Darryl said in a higher pitch voice. "Its us! Aww, I still have the ones I order in my room." He added.

"Yeah I saw them." I said. "I always keep them together, because if I lost the Badboyhalo YouTooz, I might as well throw away the Skeppy one." I said. "Aww Skeppy! Is that supposed to mean something?" He asked. "Yeah, it means Skeppy is nothing without Badboyhalo." I said and started smiling at him.

We started unpacking more boxes, and put things in its right place. Its been a few hours of this, but we are almost done. "THE MERCH BOX!" I said when I found it. "Huh?" Darryl was confused. "I put all of the merch I bought from you IN ONE BOX!" I said happily. Darryl opens the box. "Holy MUFFIN!" Darryl exclaimed.

Omg they were roommates?!?! [Skephalo]Where stories live. Discover now