"Are you for real?"

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          Skeppy's POV:

Bad and I have completely different time zones, (Idk how true that is) yet our sleep schedule is the same. After another long day of work, I am finally ready to go to sleep. "Hey uh, Bad."

     "Yes, Geppy?" Bad sounded pretty tired. "I think I'm gonna hop off the stream and go to bed." I yawn. "Aw... without me?" What bad had said caught me off guard.

"Bad, Shhhhh your mic is on." I told him. "There is nothing wrong with sleeping on call with your bestfriend!" My eyes widened and my face turned kinda pink. The chat was going crazy.

"THEY SLEEP ON PHONE TOGETHER??!?!" "THATS SOOOO CUTE!!!" And of course the random ones "141414141414" "Step Dream 😫" I stopped reading chat. "Good night bad, im super tired." I spoke. "Good night Geppy, sleep well okay?"
                  *User Disconnected.*

      BadBoyHalo's POV:

Skeppy left TeamSpeak. To be honest I was pretty tired to, but I didn't want the Skephalo shippers to make this stream a compilation haha. I stayed on stream for another 30 mins.

I wonder if Skeppy already went to sleep. Its fine, im just curious. I accidentally yawned, showing I was tired.*Donation* CaptinPuffy Donated 100$: "Bad, Go to bed and call your Sub Papa." It read.

"Thank you Puff-HEY!" It took a second to understand what the donation said. "Ya know, I am pretty tired. I think I will go to sleep."
               "I love you guys, so much!"
   I waited a second before ending to let the final donations show up. *Donation* CaptainPuffy donated 10$: "Do you love me more than you love Skeppy?" I heard this be read aloud. "..." I was silent.

"I don't think there is anyone in this world.. that I love more than Skeppy." *CaptinPuffy Joins VC* "Hey bad!" Puffy says cheerful like. "Puffy!!!! I need to go to bed!!" I exclaimed. "I know, I know, but I wanna talk to you for one second off stream."

I guess it wouldn't hurt, I said my goodbyes and left the stream. "What is it Puffy?" "Bad, I don't know how you will react to this question. " she paused. "But.. do you ACTUALLY have like a... crush.. on Skeppy?" My mouth opened a little. "Im sorry I didn't hear, what did you say?" I lied.

"This isn't a bit, im genuinely asking." She said. "Oh nooooo... I think the connection is bad, I gotta go Puffy. I'll talk to you tomorrow." "Wait, Ba-" "Bye!"
                   *Chat disconnected. *

     How was I supposed to answer that?!?! I mean I don't like Skeppy, like that... So why didn't I just say that? I grabbed my phone from the other side of my desk to see what I missed while I was streaming. "CaptinPuffy went live 25 mins ago."

It was just a bit anyways, oh no I bet the shippers think thats suspicious. I really don't care, I think its sweet that people find my friendship with Zak so interesting.

I go and lay down on my bed. Tossing, and turning. I can't quite just fall asleep. I tried watching youtube videos until I fell asleep, but nothing would work.

"Is this how Zak felt?" I hate to wake him up, but I can't go to sleep. *Ring Ring Ring* The phone picks up. "Hey Darryl,  I was wondering when you were gonna call." Zak said. "You've been calling me by my name alot recently." I noticed.

Omg they were roommates?!?! [Skephalo]Where stories live. Discover now