"I don't have a bed yet."

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BadBoyHalo's POV:

I was in a call with Quackity, discussing future stream events. "Do you think it would be a good idea if-" *Ding Dong* "olp, hold on. My doorbell rang!" I said to Alex.

"You are too nice to make anyone wait, that's sweet Bad. I'll remember that when I come to live with you unexpectedly." Quackity said. "No one is coming to live with me unexpectedly, Quackity!" I said.

"I will be right back." "Okay" Quackity agreed.
I walk out of the room and towards my door. I didn't expect any visits, but its fine. I go to open the door. I see.. My bestfriend?!?! "Z-zak?" I was kinda worried it wasn't him and I was just seeing things.

"Darryl?" It had to be him, unless I was dreaming. "Oh noooo! I'm still asleep, not this dream again!" I said out loud.

"Darryl you aren't dreaming!" Zak said trying not to laugh at Darryl. "Here ill prove it!" Zak said with a big smile on his face. Before I could process what was happening, Zak wrapped his arms around my waste, his head was against my chest, and his eyes were closed. "Z-zak.." I was kind of nervous, and I couldn't speak properly.

"Whaaaat?" I slowly wrap one arm around his waste, and the other around his head. I can feel him teanse up, as if he wasn't expecting it. "Darryl.. you are really good at hugging!" Zak said. "Thank you, Zak." I said but he didn't respond. "Zak?" Still no answer.

It's almost as if he just fell asleep, but he is still standing there in my arms. I kinda shake him awake a bit, I bet he is tired. He had a really long drive, and I bet he did stay up all night packing. "Zak.. wake up." I said in his ear softly so I wouldn't scare him. "Ah!" Zak sounded shocked.

"I- sorry Darryl! I was really comfortable and I-" He was kind of rambling. "Its okay Zak." I said in reassurance. "Sit here for a second, I have to tell Quackity I gotta go." I said to Zak. "Or..." Skeppy said.

"Or.. We can troll him?" Zak offered.  "Mmm.. He is kind of a mean muffin..I guess why not, but how?" I was curious in what Zak had in mind. "Well I mean I am hereeee!" Zak said.

"What if i like... pretend to walk in and be like "AHHH I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE ON CALL!" ya know what I mean?" Zak said. "Yeah, ima go back to the call before he leaves." I left to go to the room.

I can't believe he is here. I can't believe we are going to live together.! I can't believe it aghhhhh!!! I'm so excited!!

I get to the room and walk in, I put my headset on and unmute the mic. "Quackity, im baaack!" I said sounding happy, I didn't mean to sound so happy but he didn't seem to notice.

"Anyways, I was wondering if you would want to-" Before I could finish my sentence, the door opens. Zak walks in my room trying not to laugh, and starts looking around my room. "Bad, what was that noise?" Quackity asked.

I muted for a second and unmuted to make him think something was going on. Out of nowhere Zak says "Hey Darryl, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date tonight?" Zak started laughing quietly. "WHatt? Bad who was that?" Quackity questioned. "Was that Skeppy?"

I pretended to sound shocked. "ZAK! IM ON CALL WITH QUACKITY, YOU CANT JUST SAY THAT!" I said. "YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOU WERE!" Zak yelled back. "Its fine, ill tell him it was just a video, but DON'T do it again!" I said.

Omg they were roommates?!?! [Skephalo]Where stories live. Discover now