Thank you, Rat.

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BadBoyHalo's POV: (almost this whole part)

We are still playing JackBox, im getting pretty bored. "Hey guys, im gonna go, I have something to do today." I said. "What? You're leaving me?!?!" Skeppy said.

"Skeppy's on his clingy arc." Sapnap said. "Skeppy's on his husband arc." Karl added. They all started laughing. "Skeppyyyyyyy!!! I have something to do today!" I said. "Like what Bad? What is so important, that you have to leave me?" He said jokingly.

"I have to clean YOUR room." I replied. "Ya okay... thats pretty important." Skeppy said. "I'll talk to you later, Bad. I love you." Zak added. "Bye! I love you Zak!" "WOAHHHH AHAHAA" Sapnap splurged.

"Its different when you use your online names, but Bad using Skeppy's real name?" Karl added. "Your online name is your name Karl?" Sapnap added on. "Well thats different." Karl said. "Oh, so if I say "Karl Jacobs, I am in love with you" it means nothing." Sapnap questioned Karl.

"Yeah, because its just a joke." Karl said. Sapnap started fake crying. "How could you? This is not the man I'm marrying!" George and Dream start laughing.  "I gotta leave now." I said.

"Bye, ill call you later Za- I mean Skeppy." Oops. Heh. "Goodbye my luv! Oh ill call you after the streaaaam!" Sapnap said, trying to mimic Skeppy's voice. "Bye Bad, call you later." I left the chat.

Streams POV: (short)

Skeppy: um.. im bored now.
Sapnap: I'm sorry we aren't as entertaining as Bad is SKEPPY!"
*Discord leaving sound*
Dream: He really wanted to call Bad back *Wheeze* (☕Tea is done!)

*Time skip to that night.*

Skeppy's POV:

I don't know if I should call Darryl, or just let him get stuff done on his own. I am soooo tired, but its pretty early and I don't know if Bad will want to call again tonight.

Its kind of a nightly thing now. Soon we will just be a room apart, I won't be able to here him sleep, or hum to me anymore. He will only be a room away, if I ever need him he will be there.

I might miss sleeping on call with him. Do you think he would be weirded out if I still called him, even though we are just a hallway apart? That's crazy, why would I do that? I decided to just go out and buy food, and go to sleep when I get home.

BadBoyHalo's POV:

I'm home alone because my roommate is taking their things to their new apartment. That's okay, it gives me time to prepare Zak's room. What type of bed should I get for him? I need to ask him what type of bed he likes. *Ring Ring Ring* "Hello, Bad." Zak answered. "Zak! I need to know what type of bed you sleep on." I said.

Zak paused for a second. "Your bed." He started laughing. "SKEPPY, I AM SERIOUS, THATS LANGUAGE." "Woah Darryl, I just meant we could cuddle. Where did your mind go?" Zak said.

"Skeppy, I know your joking but you need a bed for yourself! What type of bed do you sleep on?" I asked. "Who said I was joking? And what do you mean "What type of bed do I sleep on?" Zak replied.

"Zak, do you not know anything about beds?" I asked again. "Oh, I know plenty about beds Darryl." Zak had a smug tone. "STOP IT! LANGUAGE!" I screamed. "WHAT? MY JOB IS MINECRAFT, I HAVE TO KNOW ABOUT BEDWARS!" Zak screamed.

Omg they were roommates?!?! [Skephalo]Where stories live. Discover now