Chapter 4

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After a busy day I finally came home to rest for the evening and I'm not daring to go out anytime soon since it's now dark. The night before put me off that idea all together.

I almost backed out from going to work for my first day at the office but I pushed through and managed to have a decent day.

Just pretty bland and busy, getting to know people and I made one friend already at least. Jung Hoseok.

We exchanged numbers and such and I like him a lot. Unknown to him he actually kept my mind off the events of last night and we plan to have lunch tomorrow which I'm looking forward to.

It's just now that it's almost seven at night, I don't want to risk going out in case I'm hunted so that psycho can finish the job. So for now I'm busy texting my brother, Jin.

Just to let him know the flat is alright and my day out yesterday was great which was a big fat lie. I mean the day time was great but the night was a different story but no way was I going to tell him that. If I did he would demand I came back home which is not what I want to do.

But when the noise of the news blaring from the tv caught my attention I ended up dropping the phone to my lap and staring at the tv mounted on the wall.

"In this news there was a report of another murder in the city of Seoul. This report came in in the early hours of this morning after the body of an un identified male was found savagely dismembered and left in a dumpster."

I gasped and my jaw dropped when I remembered my time in a dumpster last night. It wasn't that guy was it?

"It's not officially confirmed my law enforcement yet but there are suspected rumours it's the infamous serial killer, the bunny man. Security cameras near the scene had picked up sight of this vicious killer near by the murder scene."

I fucking knew it.

"So please lock your doors and windows at night and if possible the police would like to make sure all civilians are safe inside their homes. You never know where that psychopathic killer could be lur-"

The tv cut out suddenly and I gasped but unconsciously turned my head towards the kitchen just to see Jungkook standing there with the remote in his hand pointing it towards the tv.

"Hey! I was watching that!"

He shrugged at me and walked over into the living room area.

"You don't need to watch shit like that. I saw the look on your face." Jungkook

I squinted my eyes at him and watched him calmly sit on the couch a good distance away from me thankfully and lazily threw the remote down next to him and kicked up his feet on the coffee table.

"What look on my face?"

I ended up asking but he just blankly looked over at me with a little swing from his neck.

"The guilt." Jungkook

At first I was taken back and I couldn't think of anything to fire back at him. I did feel guilty watching the news. That bunny guy killed someone else by the looks of it because he couldn't get me. So in a way I feel like it's my fault.

"How did you know that?"

He shrugged and stretched out both his arms on the back of the couch.

"I know that look anywhere. I've seen it many times through out my life." Jungkook

"Why do you care anyway?"

I spat out at him, slightly irritated that he seems to be able to read me like a book. But my question seemed to surprise him when his brows raised and his lips slightly parted.

"I don't." Jungkook

He spoke almost unbothered and relaxed his face.

"Then why turn off the tv? Are you not even going to ask what I feel guilty off?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes, groaning at me and then threw the remote towards me, landing on my lap.

"You ask too many questions. Don't talk to me and watch your stupid news and on MY tv then. I don't give a fuck." Jungkook

I tsked at him, picking up the remote and turned it back on but the news was now doing the weather report and I wasn't interested in that. So I pouted and changed the channel to a movie instead, just some romance comedy movie playing so I kept that on.

Between us it became silent and I picked up my phone to tv Jin back to say I'm getting ready for bed and I'll text him tomorrow. It was a lie since I don't plan to go to bed just yet but honestly I can't be bothered texting anymore.

All the while I felt a pair of eyes lingering on me, I could feel it on the side of my face. So I turned towards Jungkook again and indeed he was staring at me emotionless.

We locked eyes and he didn't even flinch or attempt to hide the fact he was staring at me.

It was weird and the longer we continued like this the more uncomfortable I started to become.

This guy sure is handsome but he's also a asshole. I have to remember that when I start to feel myself getting flustered but he noticed when he smirked at me ever so slightly which made me scoff and look away.

But then I thought of something.

"Hey what happened to your face?"

"Huh? My face?" Jungkook

He patted at his cheeks and then nose and winced when he touched it.

"See, you've done something to your nose. Are you wearing make up to cover it? Because it's still a little noticeable with the swelling."

"It's none of your business what I do with my face. That's my business." Jungkook

He scoffed at me turning his head away from me finally and I chuckled with triumph. Finally he looked away from me and I can't watch the movie in peace.

I continued to watch my movie and laughed a few times at the scenes but there was some that were cute like the main couples first kiss. I love that type of stuff and I hope one day I'll have a love story of my own with my future partner who ever he may be.

The end was coming near and I ended up leaning over my lap, eagerly watching the wedding on screen as the happy couple said their vows which were beautiful and described how much they love each other. Honestly I had a few tears in my eyes watching it but that feeling soon disappeared when I felt eyes on me again.

But I ignored it until the movie was finished and when it did I sighed, turning off the tv and turned towards Jungkook.

"What the fuck is your problem?"

Jungkook gasped offensively and placed a hand on his chest.

"Who? Me?" Jungkook

"Yes you! You keep staring at me so cut it out!"

Jungkook just chuckled at me and that some fumed my irritation even more.

"Y/n I think you must suffer from paranoia. I was watching the tv the whole time." Jungkook

I growled at him, standing up abruptly as he watched my every move and didn't even flinch when I threw the remote at his stomach.

"I know you were staring at me, I caught you doing it twice. At least me an honest man Jungkook and not tell lies."

Jungkooks eyes darkened as he stares up at me and clenches his jaw.

"Sometimes lies are for others benefit y/n. You may learn that at some point in your life." Jungkook

"Whatever. I'm going to bed. Don't be a creep and follow me okay? Night."

I stormed off to my room and changed for bed. That was enough interactions with Jungkook to last me a life time. What event happened to his rule of not talking to one another?

He broke it first and me being me, it's hard for me to ignore someone when I'm not angry at them. Something majorly bad has to happen for me to ignore anyone.

Just in general my room mate is a weirdo. I just hope I survive living with him for the sake of my mentality.

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