Chapter 12

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Tapping my pen off the wooden surface of my desk I stared at the clock across from me just settled on the wall between the two elevator doors. It's so close to lunch and because it's been such a slow day in the office as some would say, I have been bored out of my mind.

Not many calls or appointment meetings to set up. Nothing to copy or run around after someone that is falling behind on their tasks for the day. Nothing of the sort. So that leaves me here, at my desk bored.

At least I'll be going to lunch with Jimin and Hoseok again. It's kind of become a routine thing now and they both come to get me when the time comes and it's always on the dot. Never late just exactly at twelve.

There's only less than four minutes to go and it's like time is purposely going slow for me.

As the left elevator door opens I choose to ignore it as it wont be anyone that will need to speak to me at this time of day. No one approaches me when it's so close to lunch because like everyone else, they're eager to have their lunch break as I am.

Listening to the heavy steps coming closer I dragged my sights from the ticking clock only to be stunned by the person before me.

My entire body froze up with shock to see my roommate here of all places.

Jungkook dressed in his black suit with a matching black tie and buttoned shirt. His hair was a little less gelled back compared to when I saw him this morning but nonetheless he still

Although as I watched him walking towards me it was almost in like slow motion and I couldn't take my eyes off him. He still has his blank look on his face but his full attention was on me.

"Y/n." Jungkook

For some odd reason I almost choked by the tone of his voice. Why did he have to deepen his voice like that when he says my name?

Damn it.

I just nod at him, standing up from my chair to smooth down my skirt from riding up and forced myself to look him in the eyes.

"Jungkook, what are you doing here?"

He brought up one hand to drop to my desk and form a fist and shrugged.

"I wanted to ask if you had plans for lunch?" Jungkook

Again. I almost choked.

Lately this guy has started to surprise me more and more each day.


Mentally I was cursing myself out for stuttering but thankful Jungkook did pick up on it and instead hums, fixing at his tie to loosen it around his neck and have his wondering eyes search around my work environment.

"Yes. I'm sorry to just come up here like this but I didn't have your number to call you on." Jungkook

His eyes still roamed around the space and even flinched when the elevator behind him binged signalling more people arriving to our floor and did a quick turn around to look over his shoulder almost startled by the noise.

It was odd.

But I felt the need to distract him from it.

"Do you want my number?"

The moment I asked that question he quickly turned back to me, clearing his throat and taking his attention away from the elevator that just opened up.

"Please." Jungkook

Now it was my turn to flinch at his soft voice and the fact he was being polite about it. This is the first time he's actually been really polite, usually he's cocky and just plan irritated but not here. If anything he looks like a lost puppy right now.

So I took a sticky note and wrote down my number so he can put it into his phone later if he truly wants it. I mean we're roommates so it would be a good idea to finally get each others numbers.

He mumbled a small thanks and took the note to push into his trouser pockets and then lightly smile towards me.

"How did you know where I worked?"

Jungkook's eyes lit up and I walked around my desk picking up my jacket from the nearby hook on the wall and threw it over my shoulders. All the while Jungkook following my movements by turning his body to match the steps I took.

"You left some pieces of documents on the coffee table last night. I noticed the company logo and looked it up." Jungkook

I came to stand in front of him, checking my pockets to be sure I have my phone and purse in there which I do thank god but I didn't take my eyes off him for a second. He looks completely different outside the apartment we share and I have to admit, I like seeing him outside of it.

"I guess, but that means you'll now have to show me where you work now. Or at least tell me. It's only fair."

Jungkook nods, trying to fight off a smile of his own.

"Oh and about lunch, I have plans to go with Jimin and Hoseok who should be here soon but you're welcome to join us. It would be good for you to socialise."

There was a flicker of something behind those eyes of his but I couldn't make out what it was. Maybe fear?

That's the closest I could think to how he might be feeling right now but he just pressing his lips together and looks down to his feet. I stood there watching him for several seconds in silence watching him breath heavy breathes before he nods his head still bowed down and looks up.

"Okay fine. Since you insist on your thoughts about me being lonely I guess I can come with you." Jungkook

He rolled his eyes but I just laughed at him and playfully swatted his chest with the back of my hand. There's the Jungkook I know.

"That's because you are lonely."

I whispered to him before turning around but not without missing his eyes light up, stunned for some reason.

Only did I turn for a fraction just to catch Jimin and Hoseok's appearance when the elevator doors opened. Hoseok beaming smile and Jimin's wave to come join them I did skip towards them but stopped to place my hand between the doors.

"Guys, Jungkook is coming with us."

Both men shot a look of surprise towards me at the same time which made me giggle. They know all about Jungkook and they must be very surprise that he's even here with me just like I was to see him in the work place.

"Seriously?" Hoseok

I nodded and turned over my shoulder back to Jungkook who was watching us quietly still rooted next to my desk.

"Jungkook come on!"

Waving him over it brought Jungkook out his staring state and finally blinked just to nod and come strolling over to us. I stepped into the elevator just to have Jungkook stand to my left as Hoseok and Jimin stood to my right.

The doors closed and that's when I turned to all three men for introductions.

"Hoseok, Jimin this is Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook this is Park Jimin and Jung Hoseok, my work friends."

Hoseok made the first move but holding out his hand towards Jungkook using his friendly smile. For a moment when Jungkook stared his hand as if it were foreign I really thought he wasn't going to shake his hand but thankfully he did.

"It's good to finally meet you Jungkook. Y/n speaks about you all the time." Hoseok

I poked Hoseok in the ribs and sent him a glare but he just laughed while retreating his hand from Jungkook. All Jungkook did was raise a brow towards me but I shyly looked away embarrassed my friend outed me like that.

"It's nice to meet you man." Jimin

Thankfully Jimin came to the rescue, leaning over Hoseok to reach out his hand towards Jungkook. The pair shook hands and I finally breathed out relief expelling from my body. I really thought for a moment I would have to explain myself to Jungkook about what Hoseok said and defend my ego. I don't want Jungkook knowing I talk about him to my friends.

But no one will know that slowly Jungkook is getting under my skin which just so happens to me developing into a soft spot for him.

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