Chapter 15

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A loud sound abruptly woke me up from my sleep but I didn't open my eyes. Still in a half conscious state I was going to fall back asleep when my ears picked up the sound of the shower running.

Groaning I opened my eyes into slits and reached for my phone on the side table. My phone lit up and I checked the time.

4:42 am

Another groan left me but I forced myself to sit up and get out of bed to check what was going on. Why would Jungkook chose to have a shower now? He went to bed when I did.

Scratching at my head, a big yawn from within me I tapped at the bathroom door with my fist.

"Jungkook, this is a weird time to have a shower."

There was on response. Only the running water on the other side. So I knocked again but his time harder in case he didn't hear me.

"Jungkook are you okay in there?"


Maybe he's in his room?

I've never been in his room before. It's out of bounds so I don't even know what it looks like inside.

But I knocked on his bedroom door and waited for a response. Nothing.

This time I barged into his room. pushing the door open with a swing.

Empty. The bed was empty.

Rushing back to the bathroom door I pounded on the wood again, jiggling at the locked door handle.


Something did feel right. If he's not in his room and the shower is on but no response that can only mean he's unconscious.

Panic flowed through me and before I knew it I stood back and used all my strength to kick in the door. My right foot kicked at the wood just beside the handle. I repeated this at least six time before the door finally gave way and swung open.

The steam in the flooded out the bathroom but I ran inside.

I found Jungkook slumped on his side laying in the tub under the running shower. His back facing me but there was some blood seeping out his side but I didn't think to check it just now. Rushing to him I turned off the shower and pushed my arms under his shoulders and dragged him out the bathtub.

He was heavy that's for sure but I placed him down carefully on the tiled floor and stood over him. My hands to my hips I checked his face. Bruised and cut to his cheek. Then there was the cut on his right side just above his hip bone.

But unfortunately for me my eyes travelled down further. For a moment my eyes widen but I quickly slapped my hands over my eyes to protect them for sinning any further.

That guy has a massive dick!!

Admittedly my eyes have been blessed.

But I wont ever admit that. Especially not to him.

So I left the bathroom, grabbed my robe from the back of my door and came back to use it for his down below area and tie it around his waist using the sleeves. Luckily he had a small waist but that only makes his upper half more full of muscle. Fuck. He looks too good.

I shook my head of that thought and hooked my arms under his armpits again and dragged him out the bathroom to his room. Just managing to pull him onto his bed and then position his legs on to the bed comfortably.

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