Chapter 10

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Stretching my arms over my head and yawning to my hearts content I finally woke up from my peaceful sleep.

Grabbing my phone from the bed side table I check d them time.


I hummed and dropped the phone back down and pushed myself out of bed. Stretched my arms over my head again and finally stood up just to wonder across the hall and use the bathroom.

Jungkook should be at work by now so I have the entire apartment to myself today. Jimin gave me the day off today which was nice. It's good to be friends with your boss or at least the big bosses son.

I could shower which I contemplate when I stare at it while taking a pee but then I shake my head of that thought and decide to go for a bath instead later.

I just wanted to grab something to eat first.

Leaving the bathroom still in my vest and shorts pjs I wondered to the kitchen only to pause half way when the delicious smell of waffles filled the air.

Nose high in the air I sniffed my way to the kitchen but to my surprise I found Jungkook standing with his back to me by the counter. I stood there frozen staring at his back but it seemed he was frying something judging by the sizzling sounds and freshly made waffles.

I guess he's not going to work today if he's dressed in grey sweatpants and a tight black T-shirt.

"Morning y/n." Jungkook

I flinched when he spoke. His back was still turned to me and I'm sure i didn't make a sound walking in.

Jungkook glanced over his shoulder just to blankly stare at me and turn back to his waffles again.

I poured and walked over to the nearest overhead cupboard next to the refrigerator. Lucky for him he gets waffles, I only bought cereal for my breakfasts. I don't mind cereal which what I prefer but smelling those waffles makes me jealous.

Taking out a bowl from cupboard and then my box of lucky charms I sighed staring at the supplies in front of me.

Maybe I should go out for breakfast?
Or how about brunch?

That sounds like a good idea.

Stuck in my thoughts I didn't notice Jungkook had appeared at my side and opened up the over head cupboard again. Stunned I watched him pick up my bowl and cereal and put them back where they came from.

"Hey!! That's my breakfast fool!"

With a slap to his chest Jungkook quickly grabbed my wrist and then pointed to the little table in the space between the kitchen and living room area.

"Sit." Jungkook

"I will once I made my cereal thank you."

I bumped my hip into his side in my attempt to push him away but instead he sighed, dropping my wrist. Then to surprise me by picking me up around the waist and carry me to the table like a child. Using his foot to pull out a chair and dump me on it.

"Stay. Good girl." Jungkook

Patting the top of my head with a smirk on his face I stayed sitting in my wooden chair. Not Because he told me to but because I had almost choked when he called me good girl. It created unwanted mixed emotions inside me and it didn't help when he looked please and smirked at my obedience.

Damn him and his stupid handsome face.

Still pouting Jungkook suddenly pushed a plate in front of me across the table as he sat down across from me.

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