Chapter 7

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"Y/n you should of taken the same taxi as us. It's not safe." Hoseok

I nodded but sighed through the phone knowing full well he's right.

"It's too late now Hoseok I'm already just two blocks away. I'll text you when I get home."

"You better or I'll kick your ass okay?" Hoseok

I let out a small giggle gazing out the window watching the rain lightly tap at the glass.

"Sure Hoseok. See you at work."

I hung up after that and stuff my phone into my bag that was kept tightly on my lap and pressed against my stomach.

Jimin couldn't take me home since Yoongi challenged Jimin to a game of shots to see who could drink the most but Yoongi one that one. Jimin could barely stand by the end of the night so Hoseok took him home since they live close by each other.

Really I should of gone with them but I didn't want to have them pay extra for my date of the taxi since we live on opposite ends of the city.

The taxi driver seems decent enough, old looking and has barely said more than two words to me this whole time. I don't think I've even caught him looking at me through his rear view mirror which is okay I guess. It makes me more comfortable.

We're so close to my building so it shouldn't be long now. Instead I just started humming to myself, staying in the zone of calmness and not try to relive the events of the previous night where I almost died.

I can't think about that.

The taxi turned the last corner only to end up suddenly coming to an abrupt stop after the car suddenly made a loud rattling sound. It didn't sound healthy even if I don't know much about cars.


I heard the elder man curse, slamming his hands against the steering wheel and exited the taxi, stepping out into the light rain to round the front of his taxi.

Getting out the taxi myself, pulling up the bag across my shoulder I walked over to him.

"Excuse me but how much is my fare? My building is just over there."

I pointed to the tall building diagonally across the street and just down the nearby alley next to the side walk. The man looked behind him, following to where i pointed and nods.


Is all he says and I don't waste time hanging him the money and quickly walking away from him, further up the path. I didn't look back and picked up my pace towards the alley which I dreaded having to walk down but I'm so close to home I had no other choice.

My feet taking my so quick that I was almost running. Clutching at my bag desperately as if it could protect me.

So close to the street where my building lays, I became excited that I may get through this place in once piece.

But when a hooded man dressed in all black stepped out in front of me I halted all steps and froze.

It took me a moment to scan this man as he walked towards me. I relaxed a little when I saw that the man wasn't wearing a bunny mask, in fact no mask at all.

It's not the bunny man but some other thug that was already glaring at me with his dark angry eyes and reaching for my bag.

"Give me your bag!"

The stranger grabbed my strap and attempted to yank it from my grasp. Instinctively I held onto it and pulled back from him, stepping away from him as he let go, surprised by my action.

"Fuck no."

I told him and the thug just cursed under his breath and reached for my bag again but this time I started to run in the opposite direction.


Ignoring him I continued to run on my feet, not wanting to stop when I could hear his steps run after me.

What is it with men chasing after me in this city?

First the bunny man and now this guy.


Hearing the man suddenly shriek I stopped and spun around, shocked to see the man suddenly on the floor. What was even more shocking was another hooded figure stood over him but with their back facing me.

"No! No please!"

A knife appeared in the hand of the standing person and that's when my blood ran cold. Again I froze when I know I should take this opportunity to hide but I can't move.

"Don't kill me! I swear, I swear I'll go!! Kill her!! Not me!!"

The begging man pointed at me, shredding tears as he begs for his life but the second person turns his head over his shoulder and glances at me briefly through his bunny mask and turns away as if uninterested in my presence.

The bunny man bent down, grabbing at the mans head to tilt his head back as he squatted down to his level.

Oh god. I know what's coming but I couldn't look away.


The thug screamed, kicking his legs out and a knife was pressed into the side of his neck but paused when the bunny man suddenly turned his head my way. His dark eyes burning into my soul through those holes in his mask.

For a moment, I stared back. Those eyes were drawing me in some how as we stared at each other. Neither of us even so much as blinked and it was like nothing else mattered in this world apart from this moment right here.

He broke the eye contact first when he flicked his eyes to the direction of my building. Somehow he must of known I was heading in that direction. Then he gestured with a slight nod in the same direction.

I knew it was telling me to leave.

So I did.

If this serial psychopathic killer was letting me run free, I sure as hell was going to do it.

I took off running towards the end of the alley, running as fast as I can through the light rain drops falling from the sky and reached the path way.

Honestly as I stood opposite my building, I expected to hear screams and more begging but I heard none. There was nothing, no sounds other than rain falling and cars down the street speeding by.

Even when I turned back to see if either of the men were there, there was nothing.

An empty alley, no evidence that anyone was even there in the first place.

I know very well I didn't imagine what happened but that didn't stop me from running across the street into my building and straight into the elevator.

Just standing in the elevator felt more safer than out there. I just needed to get home, into bed and out for the night.

That is if I can sleep.

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