Chapter 17

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"Uptown girl! She's been living in her uptown world!"

I grin watching Yoongi and hoseok sing billy Joel's song uptown girl. Using the karaoke Yoongi has connected to his tv while him and hoseok are singing through their microphones. Hoseoks arm around Yoongis shoulder as they sing their hearts out.

"I bet she's never had a backstreet guy! I bet her momma never told her why!"

I laugh as both men start to really get into the song. Pouring their hearts and soul into the song and just enjoying themselves.

As I watch them taking a sip of my beer, soyeon slips into the space beside me on the couch. Chuckling when she sees her boyfriend Yoongi start screeching into the microphone for extra effect.

"Yep. That's my man right there." Soyeon

She chuckled again and clinks her beer bottle with mine before taking a swig of hers. I took another sip of mine too.

"By the way I need to have a word with you." Soyeon

A brow raised on my face and I turned my body inwards to face her more directly. But she kept her eyes trained on Yoongi, grinning ear to ear.

"What do you need to say to me?"

She glanced before pointing her line of sight to the open kitchen where jungkook and jimin stood. They were talking to one another casually as they've done many times before. Jimin is all smiles as usual and junvjkkk is just blank. But I know jungkook is enjoying himself because he wouldn't be here if he didn't. I shouldn't be surprised anymore when I invite jungkook to come hang out with my friends. Or should I say our friends now. He never says no to  actually going out. Or come to think of it he barely tells me no these days.

"Let's talk about how jungkook has been checking you out all night." Soyeon

I nearly spit out my beer when she caught me at a time I was drinking. I nudged at her using my elbow but felt the flush come to my cheeks.

"He has not been checking me out all night. Jungkook doesn't even think of me that way. Besides he's talking to jimin."

I point out using my bottle. Looking back over to the kitchen only to see jungkook still causally talking to jimin and jimin to burst out laughing at whatever jungkook said. But all the while I couldn't help but stare at my roommate.

I don't know what it is lately but that man is growing on me. And looking damn fine too. Wearing black is definitely his colour. I mean that is all he wears but tonight he's wearing skinny black jeans with chunky black boots and a black buttoned shirt that's missing at least four  buttons on the top.

As I stare at the man, admiring his choice of clothes he turns. Locks eyes with me and smiles. Not a full beaming smile but enough to reach his eyes and make them dark orbs sparkle. We stare at each from across the room and I blush even more that he's fondly staring back at me.

It was as if we're having a moment between two adults that are attracted to one another.

Until that was ruined when Soyeon snorted back a laugh and slapped me across the shoulder.

"Dang girl. You have it bad." Soyeon

"What? I don't know what you were talking about."

My friend squints her eyes at me but then bursts into giggles and places her beer down in the coffee table in front of us.

"You know full well. You like him and he likes you. It's painfully obvious. Everyone in the room can see it." Soyeon

I curse internally. I thought I was doing so well hiding it.

"Damn. I'm that obvious?"

She nods but snickers.

"Yep but don't worry he's no better. I mean he pines over you like a little puppy when you're not looking." Soyeon

Now that makes me scoff. Jungkook isn't that type of person to swoon over someone he finds attractive. He's just not that type of man.

The music stops and changes. That was when Soyeon squeals when the song Need To Know by Doja cat. Grabs my hand and drags me across the room and yanks the microphones phone both hoseok and Yoongi. I guess it's not our turn to start singing and I like this song so that's a bonus.


"Man you have it bad." Jimin


I snapped my attention back to jimin standing beside me. He grins at me, wiggling his brows at me as if to tease in some way but pats me on the shoulder.

"You my friend have a crush on your room mate. You make it so obvious when you stare at her like a kid in a candy shop." Jimin

I frown at him just as hoseok and Yoongi come to join us in the kitchen and Y/n and Soyeons voice starts to fill the room in the background. Yoongi pops up to my left and grabs his beer he left on the counter top and hoseoks also and passed him his bottle.

"What we talking about?" Yoongi

I shot jimin a glare not to speak a word but that asshole ignored me and blurt it out anyway.

"Jungkook is crushing hard over y/n." Jimin

Hoseok laughs and taps me on my back when he pushed between Yoongi and I.

"Ha! We all knew that already. So you finally realised huh?" Hoseok

I scoff at them all when they start to snicker and make fun of me in some way or another. At first I'm trying to deny it but when I find myself looking back over to y/n enjoying herself in the middle of the living room. Dancing and laughing all the while singing like she always does at home. I knew I was done for but I couldn't stop watching her.

She's rapping quite fast as she jumps up and down but spins and just so happens to lock eyes with me. I expect her to look away but she doesn't and instead stares at me while repeating the words to the song.

"I can't stand it just one night me,
clink with a drink gimmie a sip,
Tell me what's your kink, gimmie the dick,
Spank me, slap me, choke me, bite me.
Uh, wait, I can take it!
Give a fuck what your wifey saying!" Y/n

Finally she breaks eye contact with me and starts jumping around the room again. Soyeon grabbing her hand and instead of singing they actually start shouting the words and laughing together. It even makes me smile to see her having fun and my pulse race.


I'm actually falling for her more than I thought I was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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