Chapter 14

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A rush of relief washes over me to step outside tonight.

Well it's a mixture of emotions.

Guilt. Rage. Loss. Relaxation.

It's fucked up to feel all at once but for different reasons they flood me at once.

Guilty because I've snuck out the apartment without Y/n knowing. Usually just walk out but it's been almost a week since I've come out at night in my traditional bunny mask and knife.

Rage because I've not been out like this in a week and my head screams at me for staying just because of a woman. It's not like me. So I'm angry at myself.

I feel loss for the fact Y/n is not with me. I've been spending a lot of time with her lately. Meeting for lunches between work. Even having dinner with her and having movies nights. Just last night we both fell asleep on the couch and I woke up before she did. I watched her sleep. It makes me feel at peace.

Then the sensation of relaxation slips in as I sit on this large dumpster after dumping my backpack in it to hide my shit. It's the same dumpster for my building.

My head tilted up I let out soft breaths of air just to inhale again.

The night air seems so much more cooler and peaceful. It relaxes my mind and body. This makes me feel good. My body has felt like it's been strained this past week.

But nonetheless I rolled my neck and shoulders to then jump off the dumpster and stroll down the alley like it's my playground. In theory I think of all alleyways in this city as my playground and no one can think on where I could be next. I've been at this for years now and never been caught. But who would think someone like me would be the one doing murders like I do.

Knife in my hand I roam from alley to alley.

In no time I'm six blocks away from home.....where Y/n lays asleep.

Shaking my head when she pops up in my mind I let out a huff of annoyance to myself. I cant let a woman get to me like that. No one has before so what makes her so special?

Maybe the fact she's beautiful on the inside and out.

Maybe because she's the first person in a very long time to act as if she cares about me.

Maybe because Y/n has took the time to find out my favourite drinks and food.

My head shook again but this time more aggressively that I had to hold onto my mask so it wouldnt fall off. The last thing I need is someone seeing my face. That didn't end well the last time but I got away with it.

Stopping at the top of the entry way into the alley I spotted a man.

Pausing I watched him continue to walk in the opposite direction. Puffing away at a cigarette and not clue that I'm behind him. Seems like I have my next target for the night.

I walked after him. My eyes to his back without blinking. Even my breathing picked up just by the pure thought of gutting this man.

But then Y/n's face crossed my mind and I stopped mid step.

The man continued walking but I however was frozen on the spot.

The picture of Y/n's scared expression and disappointment filled my mind. I have that image because I've seen it and I never want to again. But the disappointment that she could have of me hurts the most. I've disappointed a lot of people all my life and grew to never care but Y/n?

She's a different story.

I would lose my mind if she became scared and disappointed of me, knowing who I am.

That crushes me so I step back and before I know it I turn on my heels and head back to the apartment building so I can collect my bag from the dumpster and go back home to bed.

I know I'm losing my touch and at this point I don't care.

Y/n has become my angel in my dark world and she doesn't even know it.

Strolling all the way back home I curse myself out. Mumbling words of abuse at myself for even going back home without a kill but I don't think I can do this anymore. My head is too full of Y/n to even think about anything else but her. She's a distraction and if anything my possible new obsession.

I'm almost at my block until I hear a woman scream.

Stopping in my tracks I wait to hear it again. It's not from my doing so it bothers me that someone else is causing havoc.


I took off running in that direction. Just one block over and down a narrow alley. Very dark and almost hard to see. I hate this one which is why I never kill in this space but when I can make out a man pinning a woman to the wall and attempting to lift her skirt.

I saw red.

Rape is something I can't stand.

My feet took me racing towards the man. In no time I was behind him, the womans eyes grew wide when she sees me but I held my finger to my lips on my mask. Thankfully she didn't say or scream anything.

My knife in my hold I thrusted the weapon into the mans back. He screamed loud into the air, letting the woman go in the process so she could escape. I was too busy watching the woman run away that I didn't see the attackers own weapon sweep up from his jacket and slice across my left cheek.

Stumbling back my hand covered the wound bleeding through the mask. It cut right through and now I'll have to make a new mask.

My own blood on my hand made me shake. Bringing back painful memories I had stored away in my mind. That amount of blood just brought out the beast in me that I launched myself at the man.

Grabbing him by the throat and slammed his head against the wall over and over again.

But it seemed he still had the knife in his hand and stabbed me in the side. I hunched over but got a knee to the face. I still didn't go down though.

The stranger dressed all in black touched the top of his head, checking out his bleeding as he pants heavily. While he was distracted I noticed my knife still embedded in his side just like his is embedded in mine.

At the same time I took out my knife from his body, earning a scream from him and took out his knife from my flesh. I didn't even feel the pain at this point as I don't. That's one thing I have over him. He can feel the pain. I can't.

Before he could say or do anything more I sliced his neck with two different strokes at one time. One above the other on his neck so he'll bleed out quicker. His eyes widen, his hands instantly to his neck but dropped down onto his knees. I just kicked him down to the floor, threw his knife at his face and walked away.

"Fucking moron."

I mumbled, walking away and back to my apartment building.

Taking out the bag I took off my mask and black hoodie that was covered in blood from the attempted rapist. Stuffing it in my bag and threw it over my shoulder. Then climbed up the side building stairs that are mainly for fire exit purposes. It was a lot of stairs but I needed to do this otherwise I would get caught.

It brought me to the window in the corridor next to the elevators to my floor. Sliding the lock open and the frame I stepped in and carefully shut it. Sneaked back into my apartment quietly, locked the door and went straight to the bathroom for a quick shower so Y/n wouldnt see me.

I just dropped my bag and clothes before getting in the shower. I needed to feel the burn of the hot water even if it's not painful it would relax my body. I feel like I'm just moving like a robot at this point and my will to keep going. I'm sure that if I felt the pain I would most likely be writhing in it.

My vision became blurred and I felt weak so I leaned against the tiled wall, taking slow steady breaths. In and out, in and out. But it didn't work.

The next thing I knew my vision turned black and I passed out in the shower.

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