During school

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After Blankno and Jenna had some fun in the closet, she had to go to class. She couldn't believe that she was late! She's never been late to class because she's such an amazing student.

She walked out of the closet and tried to kiss Blankno goodbye, but he threw her out of the window. She broke fifty seven bones and fractured her skull. Rolling her eyes, she got up and dusted herself off. Then she went to the fifth floor, where her class was.

As soon as she walked in, her teacher came up to her. "Why were you late Jenna? You're never late!"
"I'm sorry Ms. Loose-Vagina. I lost track of time."

Jenna walked to her seat and sat down. She saw Ham and Sam giving her the finger, but she ignored them. She wasn't going to give them a reaction. She finally had Blankno!

When class ended, Jenna went to her locker. Next to it, she saw a blanket covered in shit. "OMG, THIS MUST BE FROM BLANKNO", she shouted.

All of a sudden the Am sisters ran up and grabbed the blanket. "I want it", Ham screamed. "No, I want it" Damn screamed. Then Pam grabbed a knife and stabbed Ham in the leg. She stole the blanket and ran away. "Pam, come back here", the Am sisters yelled.

Jenna's eyes glowed black. Oh no! Her werewolf-vampire hybrid side was coming out!

She turned into a white wolf, and started chasing Pam down. Pam screamed in fear, and Jenna tackled her to the ground. She ripped out her throat, and then she shifted back. She took the shit smeared blanket and hugged it.

Then she went off to Science class.

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