My Life...Apparently

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Elliot's POV

The sweet city of Mississippi...if it ever lived up to its title of sweet.

The city wasn't terrible or all that, it could just really use some uniqueness every once in a while. Everyone's been walking around like mindless sheep, talking and using great inventions from my own parent -- my father of course, who else had been a great scientist and full on famous engineer. Basically everything had changed once we had rolled around to this city, and frankly it's not to my liking..

Walking home had been a pain the first few weeks, I had to cover myself up in a clothed disguise so that people don't go recognising me on the street and asking me for endless questions that I don't want to be huddled up in! I've been through that for most of my childhood already and it's tiring plus pointless. I've secreted a peculiar walk home from the rest of the town, one that was more urban AND I can get home quicker than normal!

Huh, maybe people weren't wrong when they said that my father had given birth to a genius..

I think I've kicked about ten rocks already, one of them had sounded the alarm of someone's car! Crud! That was a blow.. if they were to find me and recognize my face, I would be in way more trouble than I already am. If anything, I would be lucky if I was even alive after that..

What I mean was that I got 87/100 on my Science Test (big bummer) that I basically put my life on for, raking all nighters and sacrifing every bit of sleep just so that I can remember something from the top of my head (as if I couldn't already). Looking down at my paper at the moment, there were clear scribbles that weren't even close to answers, more like childish drawings, and some dried drool settled at the corners -- it was safe to say those nights hit me like a freight train.

Now technically it wasn't my fault! You tell me what are the chances you can pass through a two hour test with barely any sort of sleep? - That's right! Nil. Zulch. Zero. If I was able to get more sleep instead of being forced to cram my brain with overload, I really could've done better! But according to my father, anything out of his line was a big no-no..

Suddenly, I feel a gust of wind pass by, the cool breeze poured onto my face, my pale rose hair drifting off into the wind--.. well not physically of course. It was still attached to my head! I don't think my hair would ever get a mind of it's own and then jump off my head to go waddle away to who knows where.

But if it ever did -- one, that would be freaky -- and two, I'll grab that thing back and force it to clutch onto my scalp if I have to. I'd rather that than to walk around with no hair!

What was I thinking about again...oh right--

To be very honest, it's not even fair how I barely get to do anything on my own. I don't get to have a word in my own life or in anything that he decides for me because he says "he's always right" and "he knows what's best". But I know very well that wasn't the truth. His face says it all-- he just wants me to follow into his footsteps so that I can be the "World's Next Greatest Scientist", to continue the legacy that we've had for decades, maybe even a millennial.

Now technically if I were to be the greatest scientist ever, I would have to be greater than the guy who discovered gravity, or the guy who invented the light bulb.. but that's been ruled out a long time ago (and nobody cares about those guys anymore anyway). The new things in store now is trying to find the cure for cancer or eradicating world pollution; or maybe even better -- if aliens existed!

But I have a small feeling that even if that were to come true, my father would still find something to nitpick..

It's like anything I push myself to do for my father, he never seems to be proud of me. It's always that same damned look single day no matter what was presented to him (not that he was much of a smile guy anyway).

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