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Third Person (POV) 🥀~_____°

"Ethan... "

"I'll kill you, I promise I'LL KILL YOU! "

The guy that being called just laugh.

"What's so funny! Father, please wake up! " the girl said while crying, she want to reach her hand to her father but failed. Ethan feet step on the girl hand.


"So nice to met you Okami... I hope we see each other again in the next life... Or... Not anymore." Ethan said laughing again.

Ethan raise his sword and stab the girl right in the heart.

"Aaa-hhhhh...... "

The girl eyes start to close.
"I'm really glad we met " Ethan whispers, and Rara could still enough to her it.

Rara looked at her father one last time and her eyes close slowly.

................."Father... ".................


'What's that... Something is bright, very bright. Is there someone that found me and heal me and my father? Father... I hope you're alright, please, wake up, I need you, please.....Hmmm, huh? What the-?!!!'


"Oof! "

"Oww" Rara rubbed her head, she was fall to the floor. She want to rub her elbow but was interrupted by her skin. "Huh? What's this?... A fabric? My skin? What happened?? Where's the person who saved me?..... Where am I?"


Rara (POV) 🍇~_____°


'Institute of..... Perfection? '
'Wow... Am I in heaven??? '
'What am I gonna do? '
'Wait-where is father? Why am I here? Am I really in heaven?? Is this heaven? No WAY! if I die I can go back to alive again, where's the clock? I can't go back to alive again without a clock! Impossible if it missing, the clock should be in my left eye but there is no clock, I either can't feel it in my eye. What happened??!!! '

'My skin, my hair, my body covered by fabric, no... My body made by a fabric! '

I look around and found everybody in this place and so many of them.

"Welcome to the Institute of Percertion. "


"Here, you will become the best doll you can be. We will help you grow from pretty to perfect. "

"But only after you successfully pass, the final challenge we call 'The Gauntlet'. Can you procced to the big world? "


"WHAAATTT? A DOLLLLLLL?????!!!!!!! "

everybody looking at me in suprise and confuse.
I don't care, I care about myself.
A doll, are you kidding? I'm human! What the hell, this is not heaven! This is hell! Huhu am I in hell cause I always steal someone's chocolate? I am so sorry!!!

"Your name is Meghan. You're a lawyer/model. "
"Objection, your honor"

"Your name is Michael. You're an engineer/model. "
"I'm an individual. Exactly like the rest of you. "

"[Buzzer] You are not a model. Data does not compute. [Distorted] I... I... Tell my family I love them. "



Are they a dolls too??
Yeah this is probably a dolls, I'm a doll, if human, it will be creepy, oh god.

"Ah, must be a customary greeting here. AAAHHGHH"

That doll girl scream and faint... What an innocent doll (The red doll that look like a bat)... I feel bad for that doll girl.

But hey, that dolls look kinda cute, especially that little pink one, is that a flower on her head?

That dolls look very happy like they just finish the final difficult exams.


Aaa!- oh just a dolls come to me

"What's your name? oh my god your so beatiful" said the blue hair doll, oh yeah, what am I look like, I scan my body. I have blueberry lavender hair, blue diamond eyes, peach skin. Hmmm looks like nothing change when I moved into this world of dolls. Except for the cloth. Hey, I'm wearing a uniform?

"Ahh, thank you, you too. "

"Eekkk, your voice is adorable too! " said the other doll that has purple hair.

Really? I hate being called adorable, especially cute.

"Hi, I'm Kitty, this is Tuesday, Lydia, and Mandy. Nice to meet you" said the doll who has pink hair.

"Name's Rara Okami, Nice to meet you too" I said

Somehow we become close when we talk for a while, suddenly-

"Ew! What. Are. Those? " said Kitty while she making a disgust face.

"Is that supposed to be some kind of dog? " ask Lydia and she pointed at what they questions.

I look my behind and I found that dolls before!

"Lou is so not gonna like this. " said Tuesday. "Lou? " I question it, "Oh yeah you're new in here Rara, yeah Lou, you're gonna love him. " said kitty. 'Huh? Love? '.

"He definitely not gonna like that dolls. He'll be like, 'I do not like this. Ew, ew, ew. '" said Kitty while she act like him (?).

"Oh my gosh, Kitty. That's such a good Lou impression." Said Tuesday 'So he act like a child? '."I know, right? " the three of them turn to Mandy.

"Uh, I know, too. Right? " Said Mandy akward.

"Uh, excuse me, girls. Who's Lou? " ask the brown haired male doll, Ooo he has green and purple eyes, I like the person who has different eyes colour, it looks super cool. Everyone look at him and the female three dolls glare at him.

And suddenly there was a light from nowhere that focus on that male doll.

"'Who's Lou? ' Were you born yesterday? " ask Kitty and the male doll answer "Um... Yes. "

"Look, listen, and learn. "

And everybody cheers name Lou

"Lou! Lou! Lou! Lou! "

"I love you, Lou" scream Tuesday 'Tuesday... '
"Freebird! "

The doll that is being shouted appears on the stage.



Words : 944 words
Update : 19/09/2021
Made by : Mizury

I'm a doll?! (Lou x OC) UglyDollsWhere stories live. Discover now