Chapter 3 ° About Myself

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Rara (POV) 🧁~_____°

"well Rara, see you. I hope we can still talk to each other but I guess not, we have other things to do" said Kitty with sad smile face.

"Aww, don't worry dolls. I can get along with the others and I'm sure we still can talk more to each other after you doing your things" I said still with a calm face.

"Mmmmm, we're gonna miss you!" Tuesday hug me, and of course I hug her back.

"Tuesday, stop acting like a child, Rara seems that she can't move her body well because your hugging is too tight" said Lydia.

"Oof, your smell really lavender. Where did you find that parfume? It's really good" ask Tuesday while she let go of me.

"Oh I don't wearing any, It's just because-!" I cut my scentence I really forgot that I'm a doll now, the smell is come from my own body. Before my mom born me, she used to have cravings about lavender smell, like blueberry and she eats a lot of macarons and a lot of the other sweet foods.

I know it's not good for her health, but can't help with, if she wants something then it must be granted if no she would became crazy or mad or wathever.

"Nah, it's nothing. I just got that smells from my own body... You guys like it?" I ask to them and they answer really quick.

"We love it!" Said the three of them.

"Aww thank you dolls, I really appreciate it" I said with a warm smile.

"Yeah no problem, see ya later Rara, we're gonna miss you" said Lydia and they start to walk away before they waving at me.



My macarons!!!!!

Oh wait-

Ahhhh it's on my pocket!

So I have my macarons in my pocket because I have this box full of macarons and the box are small, the macarons inside of this box. Not just one or two macarons, but many,and so many of them,let's just called the macarons inside this box can't be depletion, I mean, no way to end, do you know what I mean? You may know that my kingdom really do have powers. And it is! this is one of the power or you can call that magic. So I'm not have to worry if I ran out of macarons, it's kinda cool, right?

Oh yeah, I have my own power, I wanna try it in here but not here.

I looked around and I found some walls that might hide me from the other dolls.

I ran into it and start to hide and feels like no one seeing me

'Okay Rara, time to check your power'

I stick my middle finger to my thumb and I move it and it cames fire!

'Oh my god, it work! Lemme try another power.'

I close my palm and let out the index finger and I lift up my index finger and there was an ice from the ground! Yassss it is working!!!

I came to that the big stone around me and I pick it up,it's really easy. I pu the stone back down and try to destroy it with my's destroy so easly!!!

And the last but not the last- .....oh yeah. She isn't here, I have to find her so I can use my shadow power.

When I was born I already got a power, it's a fire and an ice and I was born with a diamond eyes because it's already in our family, the descendants of the Okami family have diamond eyes, but my eyes beside diamonds also have their own power. That controls the time, yes I know it's impossible but it's real!

So I can stop the time, go back the time, about the future? I don't think so, I'm scared if I move the time to the future, the future can be destroyed! If the past it's okay, after all I'm the only one that can use this power.

My eyes colour can change into yellow, which I said from the begining with the 'clock'.

My pupils can turn into a clock and can also move like the other clock and the clock is next to my left eye.


My right eye? Those are the gears so that the clock in my left eye can moves, can you imagine that?

If one of them is missing, I can't control the time, that means one eye has to be destroyed.

That's where I get a lot of powers. Not only from my family but there are other families just like ours, the three strongest families including mine.

I have one body, but I have two souls.

One is myself and the second is my demon, her power is a shadows, that's why I also can used the shadows power.

She belongs to one of the strongest families of the three families, namely the third level family which can be called the devil family.

She's not dead yet, she just likes me so she enters my body and she always by my side.

The demons here can enter other people's bodies until they are satisfied, but this demon doesn't want to stay away from me.

I don't mind either, because of her I'm not bored with it.

Oh yeah and ger name is Clara Akuma.

And the second strongest family is the vampire family.

Yes, it's hard to introduce them, this three families, I'm very close to one of them. One is Abellia Kyuketsu, she is from the second strongest familiy and she is the one that teach me to have that brutal strength,she really strong with bare hands or even feets so that's why I can destroy that stone so easly. And the other is Zenny Akuma, she is from the same demon family as Clara.

They are not siblings but cousins.

And I?

Yes, I'm from the strongers first family, that is the invisible one.

Which means there are many types of invisible in my family.

But the wolf invisible are the strongest here, in the Okami family. Most of them are the wolf invisibles in my family,the others are just a few, that's what makes the Okami family the stroger of all out because they are many different species.

I get out of the wall and try to find a friends.


Words : 1085 words
Update : 19/09/2021
Made by : Mizury

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2021 ⏰

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