Chapther 1 ° The Song

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Rara (POV) 🍒~_____°

How am I gonna do? Can I go back to my own world? What happend to me and my father? Am I already die? Oh my...

"Lou! " someone screaming making me go back to reality..... Is this reality?


"🎵I know you hope to go to the big you-know-where🎵" the male doll Start singing.

Wow, he's quite handsome, if I still in human form I would take that doll and make him to be my doll (Oppss-).

Everydolls start to faint. The fuck- it's just a handsome dolls, no need to act like that...

"🎵And you're here to try to earn your ticket there🎵"
There are robots who help every dolls to back their reality.

"🎵Better listen up now or you haven't got a prayer🎵"

"🎵Let me break it down🎵"
He start to go down to the stairs.


"It's him! "
"We love you! "

"(We love you ,Rara! you're the best!) "
...I miss that word...

He start to dance. "Isn't he owesome? No, He is so amazing, so so much eekkk!!! Lou!!!" Ask and shout tuesday, and I answer "Uh yeah, he's pretty cool" "'pretty cool'? HA! Rara, do you have an eye on mens? " ask Lydia.

"Umm, no"

"Gurl, really?" Ask Kittiy

"Yeah, really"

"🎵If you want someone to love ya. Babe, ya gotta look like me🎵"

"🎵I mean flawless pure perfection, upper-shelf🎵"
"(Upper shelf)"

"🎵And my first impression of ya, as far as I can see🎵"

"🎵Is you simply can't compete with my sweet self🎵"
"(Your sweet self)"

"🎵Is your hair as slick as mine?🎵"

"🎵Are your glutes as tight as mine🎵"

"🎵Are the moves you got as drop-dead hot as this?🎵"
"(No! No, they ain't)"

"🎵Is your profile half this fine?🎵"

"🎵If not, lemme hit you with the bottom line🎵"

He got the mirror, and he admire himself in the mirror...

"🎵Got to measure up or you won't get eternal bliss🎵"

Wow, he really admire himself so much of being perfect. I kinda look like him, always admire myself cause I was so pretty but not to much...

"🎵So let me be honest🎵"

"🎵I got to be honest🎵"

"🎵I'm gonna be honest🎵"
"(Ah yeah)"

"🎵Whether you like it or not🎵"

He pointing some of other dolls

"🎵your much too short🎵"
"(Too short)"

"🎵You're way too thin🎵"
"(Too thin)"

"🎵Is that a blemish on your double chin?🎵"
"(Oh man)"

"🎵Don't ever walk a runway🎵"

"🎵Or man a kissing booth🎵"

"🎵You're U-G-L-Y🎵"

"🎵And that's the ugly truth🎵"

"(You ugly, ah ah, you ugly)"
"(You ugly, ah ah, you ugly)"

"🎵Now perhaps I've just upset ya. But people, let's get real🎵"
"(Get real)"

'Well propbably'

"🎵It's the most exclusive club that you want in🎵"
"(Want in)"

"🎵There's a price to pay, you bet ya. Hey! You gotta look ideal🎵"

'huh? How are they suddenly there with him?'

"🎵Or you'll end up in the old recycling bin🎵"
"(Recycling bin)"

"🎵Is your smile as white as this?🎵"

"🎵Are you gluthes as tight as this?🎵"

"🎵Then they'll trash it and they'll mash it into glue🎵"
"(Oh, poor poor you)"

'Whoa... '

"🎵Just a flaw as slight as this just one tiny detail it's a big ol' mess🎵"
"🎵Oops, oh well I'm sorry, sayonara, too-da-loo🎵"

"🎵But hey, I can help ya🎵"
"(Oh yeah)"

"🎵Well, possibly help ya🎵"
"(Oh yeah)"

"🎵Well, hopefully help ya🎵"
"(Oh yeah)"

"🎵But most of you, probably not!🎵"

"🎵Your head's too small🎵"
"(Too small)"

"🎵Your neck's too long🎵"
"(Too long)"

'So he wants to petrify the dolls or he just insults the dolls?'
'Hey! Did he just insult that cool doll?!'

"🎵Your nose starts right but then ends up all wrong🎵"
"(All wrong)"

"🎵Mm, that tiny freckle🎵"

"🎵Oooh, that crooked tooth, you're U-G-L-Y🎵"

"🎵And that's the ugly truth🎵"

"(U-G-L-Y, face like that why even try? U-G-L-Y, back that hip like triple fry. U-G-L-Y, sorry if that makes you cry. You're ugly, so ugly)"
'Wow, I think the one who insulting here is three of them'


"🎵Look at you, look at you, look at you. I ain't seen nothing like you before I mean, words fail me, I mean I'm toungue-tied, I mean I'm speechless, baby...🎵"

Who is he talking about? I can't see!

"What's a thing like you, doing in a place like this? I gotta tell you, girl, you're pretty...🎵"
...................."(Pretty ugly)"

[Gasp] That's the doll before! Why everydoll insult them?

"🎵You poor, poor thing🎵"
"(Come on)"

"🎵Don't look so sad🎵"
"(Come on)"

"🎵I'm sorry you're so ugly🎵"

"Is that...?" Ask the pink doll but being cut by that Blondie doll
"Real bad"
Nah, I don't think so.

"🎵Imagine how you'd traumatized some unsuspecting youth. Why, it would be U-G-L-Y🎵"

"🎵And that's the truth🎵"
"(U-G-L-Y. heard your looks make you cry)"
"🎵Yeah, so sorry 'bout the truth🎵"
"(U-G-L-Y. Cross my heart and hope to die)"
"🎵Woo, 'cause that's the ugly truth🎵"
"(U-G-L-Y. Love to kiss my lunch good-bye)"
"🎵Yeah, you're U-G-L-Y~~~🎵"
"I really do feel bad for you, but kids just don't want ugly. So, I'm not sure where you belong, but it's not here"
"🎵And that's the ugly~~~truth~~~~~!!!🎵"

"Wha-" I'm speechless... Yeah... Speechless...

Nooo!!! That's wrong, human can still love them even if their form like that!!!

Wow, I can't belive that Blondie doll have a side like that. And everydoll still love him.

I heard someone said "That man can entertain and emotionally devastate, like no one else."


Words     : 1073 words
Update    : 19/09/2021
Made by : Mizury

I'm a doll?! (Lou x OC) UglyDollsWhere stories live. Discover now