Chapter 2 ° The Ugly Dolls And The Strange Doll

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Lou (POV) 🌺~_____°

"That man can entertain and emotionally devastate like no one else"
I chuckled inside.

"Whoo-hoo" shout other doll. I Cross my arms in the back.

The ugly doll with red said something to that ugly pink doll "Come on, Moxy. Let's go home."

Awwww so, her name was Moxy, well I'm gonna forget that name~

"Do you want me to carry you home, too?"
"Okay, just let me know"
That pink doll look at me and I just smirk. And turn back as I said "Huh, bless their ugly little hearts. Such a same."

"It is kinda sad, though." Mandy mumble. 'Hmm?' I can hear what she said, of course I'am, I'm perfect, that means my ears are really sharp.

"Of course, 'sad' in, like, a totally, totally shameful way. Obviously." She fixed. 'Perfect, that's what I want to hear.'
Sometimes I kinda feel weird around her, feels like she feel sorry for that ugly dolls and want to help them.

I feel like she hide something from me...

"Hmm" I said, and Mandy look nervous.

And I heard that ugly pink doll shout at me "You know what? We're not going anywhere!" Everydoll gasp including me. What? What happends when I'm not paying attention to them?!.

"Um... Come again?" I ask with suprise.

That ugly pink doll answer "We're gonna training and go to the big world, we're just as lovable as any of you. And we're gonna Prove. You. Wrong."

I look at the screen, there's a girl with doll in her hands. 'Ah I see, so her self-confident got back because of that screen?'

I start to laugh and everydoll follow me. But I heard that ugly red doll mumble to her "Before we decide to do this, shouldn't we tell Ox?".....

I heard him... Ox? He still here? N-no way... I...

I pause everydolls to stop with my hand

"Ox? Who is Ox?" I question it

The ugly red doll answer "Well, he's the founder and mayor of our town, where we live." 'Huh? I thought it's just Ox and this ugly dolls who's not perfect at all, but there's more?!'

"So, there's a whole town of... Uglies?" I ask again and now that ugly pink doll who answer me "It's called Uglyville."
No way.

And Lydia said "I guess they're into literal naming" "Um, none of this matters, okay? Only pretty dolls can run the Gauntlet. Rules are rules." I told to everydolls.

"What rules?" She ask out of nowhere while she cross her arms. I don't know what to say and suddenly robot came, oh no!

"Did someone said 'rules'? It says right here in section 43-" I close the book that robot bring.

"You know what? Stay here." I told them, ughh really? Why do the robots always give me a problem.

"Seriously?" That ugly pink doll ask with smiling wide in her face. Yeah I guess you have a change to stay here.

"Yes. What kind of amazingly benevolent leader would I be, if I denied fellow dolls a change to fulfill their dreams?"

'Hmmm, help them, huh? Well I guess you have a change to help them, Mandy. Good luck... I guess not, heh!'

"Mandy, show our special guests their quarters. May I suggest the..... Supply Suite."

"Sweet" said that ugly Grey doll
'Yeah, sweet for you.'

They were about to follow Mandy, but I call that ugly pink doll to come here with my index finger.

I smirk evily and wishper to her "I have a reputation to maintain, so I let you skate by this time. Enjoy this moment. Because it doesn't get better than this."

That ugly pink doll just gulp to tell me she understand and walk away.

"Find out everything you can about their town. And report back to me tomorrow night." I told to the three female dolls behind me.

"Night? Like a date?" Ask Tuesday, ugh, am I look like a free doll? I'm buzzy. After all, if I'm free I still don't want to.

"No." I answer short, clear, concise.

"But, there is one more thing I need you to do."

"What is it Lou? You can count on us." Said Lydia clearly.

"I need you to find the doll name 'Ox' and bring him to me, in my mansion, okay dear?" I said with a smirk.

"Okay, captain!" Said Tuesday.

'Huh? What's this? Smell like..... Lavender...? Weird, where it Come from, but it smell good. I like that, maybe I should told the robots to made me parfume of lavender. Yeah I'm gonna told them.'

I was about to walk to my mansion but got stop by the female doll with blueberry lavender hair. She come to the three of them and start to walk away. I confused, I never see that doll before, maybe I should check her in the list on my mansion, to get all information of her I should ask her name.

"Hi!" I greet her with a smile

The female doll turn around and look at me with calmness. I was about to ask her name but I was interrupted by her eyes.

Is that?... Her eyes... Looks like diamond! 'wha-?' How? That's... Amazing... I admire her eyes and she look at me weirdly and say "Um yeah? Do you need help?" Her voice... So... ---

"Oh! Yeah! Ummm.......uhhh-Oh yeah, I was curious of your name, can I have yours?" I ask her with embrassed look. What is going on with me?!

"Oh, It's Rara, Rara Okami"

"Ohh, what a pretty name, I'm Lou. You're new, right? I hope we can get along with each other."

She just noded with a calm smile. Wow, I think this doll likes a calmness.

"Well, I have to go back to my mansion. See you later, my dear~" I said to her and she smile again with a calmness.

When I already far from the girls, the lavender smells start to gone. Hmmm, I think the smell is from that place but what is it?


Words     : 1025 words
Update    : 19/09/2021
Made by : Mizury

I'm a doll?! (Lou x OC) UglyDollsWhere stories live. Discover now