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MY MOM TOLD ME TO ASK OIKAWA later at school when was the date we'd be leaving for camping. I begged for her not to let me ask, but she ignored me (like always) and left it like. Impatiently I walked out of the house, knowing I'm already late for my schedule. It's seven-thirty. Oikawa by now is awake. Which is more irritating. I had slept late doing my homework. Since the Oikawa's came I didn't have any time to do my school work. 

As I unlocked my car I heard a person call my name, "Y/n-chan!~" Oikawa. I gave him the finger before opening the driver's door and sitting down. I started the car and plugged in my music. 

I walked into the school and was greeted with yelling and a lot of noise. I walked to my locker and noticed all my friends surrounding it. It looked like they were arguing with my next neighbor. 

"Hey, watsup?" I joined in. They all looked at me and smiled in relief. 

"You're finally here!" Nora's voice was heard. I smiled.

"Yeah...? Something wrong?" I looked at them one by one, noticing how my neighbor was scoffing. 

"Pfft, n—"

"Yes," Remy interrupted Terushi, giving me a help-me-look. I nodded and made walked closer to them so I can speak with my neighbor, Jeon. 

"Hey, Jeon. My boy," I nudge his shoulder but he only backed away and cleaned his sweater (where you hit him). I cleared my throat, embarrassed of what like—what the hell I'm actually doing!? "I heard you're bottom..." His face flushed a deep crimson.

Got cha

I leaned in closer to him, "you don't me to run around this rumor, do you?" He gulped. "How about we forget this ever happened?" I raised an eyebrow at him.  He nodded and left us. I sighed in relief and turned around to my friends. 

Nora squealed, "Eeek! Thank you bestie~" she gave me a tight hug before letting me go. I nodded.

"What the hell did you even say to the poor guy?" Terushi asked, surprised and...feeling bad?
"I'd rather not say...." I scratched the back of my neck and got going to get me stuff.

"Anyway, shopping later?" Nora asked.

"Don't count me in," Terushi hide behind Remy. 

"I have soccer practice later." Remy informed, a disappointing sigh escape his lips. 

I sighed slamming my locker shut, "I'm free." I knew Remy and Terushi didn't like to go shopping, especially when Nora takes a whole day in the mall. But I can take it, right?

"Great!" She smiled, brightly looking at me, her back facing Terushi and Remy. Behind her Terushi was mouthing "thank you!" and Remy rolled his eyes at him. 

"We should get going, don't wanna be late!" Terushi commented. About to walk I stopped them.

"Wait!"—they turned around, "I gotta take care of something real quick. Don't wait for me!" I explained. They shot me confused faces but I didn't have to answer their questions when time is running. 

I ran to who knows where. My first thought was the janitors closet so I went. I opened the door, "Shit-face?" I called out, realizing the light was off I turned it on and god I wish I didn't. A couple were making out, sucking each others faces. The guys hand was on her thigh roaming around. 

They pulled away. 

"Fuck sorry!" I closed the door shut. I gagged before continuing my search. I got to his locker and there he was making out with a girl. He sat on a chair, well she sat on his lap. He opened his eyes knowing I was there. He kissed the girl's neck now. 

"Assi-kawa, I just want to ask you a question...When is the day we're—" I sighed having trouble to say the words. I except he should be listening to me since his eyes were still glued on me whilst kissing the girl's lips, "leaving for...the stupid camping trip." I looked away from him. Finally I heard the kissing come to stop. 

Hesitantly I turned to look at him, he'd stopped! But now...he was inches away from me. He'd become closer, how?? His lips were swollen and his breathing smelled sweet, like cherry's. I backed away. 

"I don't know princess, how about you give me your number and I'll text it to ya," he smirked. 

"Ew, no. And how about you tell me this instant orrrr I'd tell your mother how you're so good at getting your homework done!" I clapped my hands, liking the way his face fell down. 

We backed away and sat back on the chair. Grabbing the girl by her waist. "We leave tomorrow, since it's Saturday." He deadpanned. I flashed him a fake smile.

"Awh thank you, sweetheart." I rolled my eyes, but he his face rose up. "Its a joke. I'm not interested in you!" I quickly corrected myself before he got the wrong idea. 

"Uh-huh, keep telling yourself that. Makes it sound your trying to convince yourself. Your not fooling anyone." His smirk grew back. I flicked his head and stormed off. 

Convincing myself?? Ha, as if I'd like a jerk like him. Ugly breath taker. 

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