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As I walked down the stairs I was stopped by Oikawa's parents. Well the Oikawa's. "Y/n! How are you my dear?" His mother called out. "Oh,um—fine. Thanks for asking." I  replied, bowing my head. 

"Thats so great!" she exclaimed. I nodded and walked to then dinning room. There I saw mom and Oikawa talking. 

"Y/n! Honey, come over here," my mom called out. I was particularly eyeing her. Bt she didn't budge. I walked towards them. I could already see a smile on Oikawa's lips. 

"Why don't you guys catch up on things? I'm gonna go see if the cookies are ready." Before I could get the chance to stop her, she was far gone now. 

I heard him mumble something under his breath and it only made me question him, "what?" He looked up at me, "what, what?" he walked closer to me. I stared at him, dumbfounded. 

"What—you know what. just forget about it." I was confusing myself already. I was about to walk away when he took his hand out of his pocket and grabbed my wrist, making me look at him. 

"Hey, who said the talks over?" He smirked. 

I ignored him. "Foods ready!" my mom called out. 

"Looks like there's not talk here," I snatched my wrist away from his hold and walked to my seat. 

Oikawa sat across from me. I ate silently and listened to the conversation my mother was having with his mother. 

"So we were wondering if you'll like to go camping with us, y/n?" I choked on my food and quickly grabbed the glass of water in front of me. Once I was able to talk I turned to see his mother. 

"I'm sorry, what?" I tried my best not to sound too harsh but failed. I heard Oikawa chuckle and I glared at him. He stopped. 

"We were wondering if you'll like to go on a camping trip with us?" she asked again. I looked towards my mother. A smile placed on her lips. "I don't know. I'll have to ask my mom," I looked back at Mrs. Oikawa. 

"Oh, I already have approval from her," she replied. I guess that answers my question if the Oikawa's ever get tired of coming to my house. 

I looked across from me to see a smug smile on Oikawa's face, staring straight at me before I ever stared at him. 

"Why are staring at me?" I hissed. 

"I don't mow, maybe because you're sitting across from me," he smirked. I couldn't just roll my eyes right in from of his parents, so I kicked him under the table. I saw him wince and I smirked. 

"Right back at you," I told him. 

The Oikawa's left right after dinner. Right now I'm helping mu mom with the mess of dishes. I didn't know what to say-- how to say it. Thankfully she did it for me. 

"So, what do you think?" She asked as she grabbed the dirty plates. 

"Hmm?" I played dumb., "thank about what?"

"Honey, this is an opportunity to befriend Tooru," she phrased it as if it's the moment. 

I scoffed, "that'll be never happen." I mumbled to myself. "Come on, it's just gonna be a week." She was more excited than me. I turned off the sink water and turned around to see her. Arms crossed in front of my chest I said, "if you're so thrilled for this, why aren't you coming?"

She stopped picking up the cups and stared at me. "I have work," she simply said. "You can take the week off." I informed her, as if she hadn't already thought about that idea. She sighed and walked towards me, cups in her hands. 

"You know I can't do that. Who's gonna pay for the food to buy when we're out? I'm the mom here. You should be living your life." She placed the cups inside the sink. 

"You know I love you." She placed a kiss on my forehead. "And I love you...so...I'll go." I told her. 

She let out a squeal, informing me she was indeed happy for me. "Please have fun there." She paused, and walked back to the table, "and be nice to Tooru." She eyed me. A sigh escaped my lips and I turned around to continue cleaning the dishes. 

"He should be the nice one."

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