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"NO?" OIKAWA REPEated, "we live in the same neighborhood, come on! Your mother told me to ask you for a ride." He added. 

"My mom?" I asked in dissablief, of course she would. Oikawa probably called her asking if I could give him a ride and of fucking course mom would say yes. I scoffed and rolled my eyes as I opened the car door. "Tch, as if I'd do that for you." I got inside and was about to close the door but Oikawa quickly grabbed it and it slammed with his fingers. 

"OW! FUCK!" 

"Oh my gosh, holy shit!" I quickly opened my door and his fingers slipped out all red. "Oh shit." I mumbled as I stared at them. 

"Oh shit, that must've hurt like hell, right?" Remy asked, walking closer towards the car. 

"Yeah no shit, Rem." I told him in a are-you-seriously-asking-that? tone. I grabbed Oikawa's hand without thinking and analyzed them.

"Did it hurt?" I asked, tracing my fingers over his. 

"N-No." Oikawa responded, pulling his hand away. 

"Tch, yeah sure." I rolled my eyes. 

"Now, you have to give me a ride home." Oikawa smiled. Wait-did he plan that out? Did he really just fucking grabbed the door to get smashed fingers for me to give him a ride?? Dude really needs some brain cells. 

"Fine, get in the car. Oh and just for the record, how the hell are you gonna play volley ball now?" I asked as he and Remy made their way inside the car. Oikawa sat in the back and thank god Remy got the passenger seat.

"It'll be fine. I won't be playing for a week so I'll be fine. They'll heal fast, trust me, I know my body." Oikawa bragged, as if I cared. 

I started the car and drove out the parking lot. 

"Oh and my mom wants me home right now so can you drop me off first?" Remy informed me, and god I wish he didn't. Guess my luck doesn't last long. 

"Oh...yeah, sure." I looked at him hoping he got the message that I was gonna have to stay with Oikawa with another 20 minutes, but he didn't. 

"Nice." Oikawa mumbled but loud enough for me to hear. My mood went down the rest of drive and we got to Remy's house. 

"I'll see you on Thrusday?" Remy asked as he got out the car. 
"Yeah." I mumbled sadly. 
"Alright, text me." Remy smiled before closing the door and leaving. I started to drive away when Oikawa was crossing his way to the passengers seat. 

"What the fuck, Oikawa??" I hit the break and he stumbled more. 
"Ow," He muttered and he sat down. 

"What the fuck?" I looked at him, questioning him. 

"What? Can't a guy be close to his girl?" 
I chuckled with sarcasm and it soon turned into real laughter. "Your girl? When the hell did I become your girl??" I asked, calming myself down. 

"Since...the day we met."

"Since the day we met? Uh-huh, I am not your girl, Oikawa." I continued driving. 

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