The Party

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A few days had passed since the mission and it was now Saturday, the day of the party. Parties hosted by Tony Stark were always huge. He always invited hundreds of people, and everyone always dressed up. More importantly for every party Tony always gave me his credit card and let me go out to buy a new dress, shoes and accessories.

I got up. showered and got ready. I put on some light make up and got changed into some ripped black jeans and a cute crop top. Once I was ready, I went downstairs to grab some breakfast.

I opened the cupboard and got out a bowl. I grabbed the cereal from the side and poured it in the bowl. I went to the fridge to grab the milk and saw that there was only a little bit left. I poured the last of it into my cereal and made a note on the fridge that we needed milk. Luckily, I knew that no one else needed it this morning since I was the last one up. I sat down and ate my breakfast. When I finished, I put my bowl into the dishwasher.

"Miss Rogers, Mr Stark would like to see you in his lab."

"Thank you, Jarvis, tell him I'm on my way."

"Yes Ma'am."

Once I finished talking to Jarvis, I made my way down to Tony's lab.

"Jarvis said you wanted to see me."

"Yeah, I did. The party tonight. You and Nat can have my card and go shopping together. Here." He handed me his credit card. "Nat's waiting for you by the car."

"Thanks Tony."

I walked out of the lab letting him get back to work with Bruce and made my way down to the garage where all the cars and motorbikes were kept.

"So, Nat, which car are we taking?"

"This one." She pointed to a black car with tinted windows closest to the door and walked over to it. I walked over and got into the passenger seat.

"Let's go spend some money." I said excitedly.

"Music?" Nat asked me.

"Obviously." I responded, and she connected her phone to the speakers in the car and played our road trip playlist.

"Okay let's go." And she drove off.

We reached the mall and went into the dress shop. Tony always insisted that we go to a dress shop to pick out a dress for his parties. I looked around for a while and picked a few dresses that I liked the look of. Nat did the same and we took it in turns to try them on. Nat went first.

She came out the changing room in the first dress. "How about this one?" She asked. It was a short flowy purple dress. It was cute but also it didn't seem like Nat's typical choice.

"It's cute but it's not very you, is it?" I said.

"Your right. I just thought I'd try something different."

"It does look nice though, but you really don't look that comfortable in it."

"Not really."

Nat typically wore tight dresses or jumpsuits to Tony's parties. She went back into the changing room and came out in the second dress she chose. It was a beautiful mid length black and white dress. It was tight at the top and flowy at the bottom. This dress was very Nat but not all at the same time and I loved it.

"Nat that dress is beautiful."

"Yeah, should I get it?"


"I'm glad you said that because I didn't have any more options." She laughed and so did I. She only ever had two choices whereas I always had about 5.

"Okay I'm gonna change and then it's your turn."

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