The Date

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After another hour, I decided I should start getting ready for my date with Pietro. I got up from my bed and walked into my bathroom. I switched on the shower and then took my hair down to brush it before getting in the shower. Once I was finished in the shower I got out and wrapped myself in a towel. I grabbed my slightly smaller towel and dried my hair. I then heard a knock at the door, so I walked into my room and over to the door. I opened it slightly and saw that Wanda was at the door and so I let her in.

"Hey Wanda."

"Hey, if I'd have known you just got out the shower I would have waited for a little while until I came to see you."

"It's fine. We used to share a room as kids anyway. How was training?"

"Tiring. Your dad and Nat don't play around."

"They really don't but these training sessions won't last forever. Once you're more experienced and comfortable with hand-to-hand combat then you won't need to practice it as often and when you do you'll be able to choose your partner and what you do."

"Was your training just as bad."

"Yep. My dad even worked me harder because he could. Trust me being his daughter wasn't great at the beginning. He's always up at the crack of dawn and that meant I was up then too. He used to get me to go on runs with him. I hated it."

"Wow that does sound bad."

"It was but now I get to train as and when I please. Well, I did. I won't be able to for a while since the whole leg thing."

"Yeah, makes sense."

"So, what are your plans for tonight?"

"Nothing really. Probably unpack the clothes I got with you and Nat. You?"

"Well, I'm about to get ready to go out."

"Oooo, where to?"

"No idea."

"Oh, why?"

"Don't tell anyone but I'm going out on a date for dinner. So, I haven't been told where I'm going. It's a surprise."

"Ooo how exciting. Who are you going with?"

"No one you know. Just a friend I made when I went to school briefly."

"Ooo nice but what happened to my brother."

"Erm, nothing. I just didn't talk to him about things since he seemed interested in someone else." I lied.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that. I guess some things aren't meant to be."

"I guess so." I said while pretending to be sad.

"Anyway, I'm gonna sit with you while you get ready."

"Actually, you can help me pick something to wear."

"That's a better idea."

Me and Wanda walked over to the boxes that contained my clothes.

"Okay so I want a cute but casual outfit. Something that I can wear nice shoes with."


After spending half an hour looking through my clothes Wanda finally found something. She held up a black strapless playsuit.

"What about this?"

"It's perfect." I said as I looked at it.

"Great. Go put it on."

I grabbed the play suit from Wanda and my underwear from the draw and walked into the bathroom. I quickly got dressed and walked out the bathroom.

The Captain's Daughter. (Pietro Maximoff X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now