Our Party

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I picked up my crutches and walked out of the room with Pietro following me. We walked down the hall to the elevator that was already there. We stepped in and he pressed the button to take us down to the main floor where the party was.

"You excited?" I asked him.

"Yeah, also nervous. I've never been to a party before."

"I was nervous at my first one too. I'll give you a tip. Don't talk to people without an excuse to leave otherwise you'll find yourself listening to a lot of boring stories. You'll also find that me, you and your sister will be the only teens here."

"Well, that's great. Are we at least allowed to drink alcohol since we're still underage?"

"The team doesn't mind. They usually allow me to drink but I'm thinking we might get one drink and that's it since we are still both healing and all that."

"Well, I guess I'll make that one drink last."

"Yeah, have it later on."

"Will do."

The elevator stopped and I looked at Pietro.



"Too late."

The doors opened revealing a small red carpet that Tony had set out and all the guests stood waiting for us.

"The guests of honour everybody." Tony shouted to everyone.

We walked out of the elevator to people clapping at us and smiling.

"Okay this isn't great."

"It's not normally like this I promise."

"Why is there a red carpet?"

"You're at a Tony Stark party. I'm surprised there isn't anything bigger. Trust me this was best case scenario."

"What was worse case?"

Tony then spoke into a microphone. "Now we have a creation to honour our two survivors. Bring it out boys." As Tony finished talking the doors opened and revealed a large cake with two figures resembling me and Pietro stood on top of the cake that looked like the floating city of Sokovia. "That's not all. We also have a gift for them."

Just then Pietro was handed two picture frames with certificates of survival in them. One for each of us. Pietro then handed them back to the man who gave them to us, and he took them to another room to keep them out the way.

"This was probably worst case."

"Right. Good to know."

"Now let's party!" Tony shouted to the guests and then music started playing.

"I'm gonna go sit down. You go have fun. Talk to people. I'll see you later."

"Okay I'll see you later princessa."

I walked over to the sofa and sat down. Wanda soon came and sat with me.

"That looked embarrassing."

"It was. I didn't want him to make it a big deal but it's Tony, so I'm not surprised that he did. He's just happy that he's got two people on the team who were extremely close to dying and yet still didn't."

"Yeah, that makes sense. You look good by the way."

"As do you."

"Thanks. Do you normally sit alone at parties because I don't think you're supposed to?"

The Captain's Daughter. (Pietro Maximoff X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now