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The ride to Africa on the jet was fairly quiet with the main conversation being us discussing our plan.

"So, what's the plan Captains?" Nat asked looking to me to my dad.

We looked at each other and realised we had no plan and so we came up with it on the spot.

"Bruce you're gonna stay on the jet unless we say it's a code green. We don't need the big guy destroying everything." I said to Bruce, and he nodded.

"Clint, Nat. You guys are gonna stay hidden and high up if a fight breaks out Clint, you help us out from up top and Nat you'll make your way down and join the fight hand to hand." My dad continued.

"You got it Cap."

"Yep, will do Steve."

"Me, Cap, Thor and Stark will focus on finding Klaue and finding out what it is that Ultron could possibly want and attempt to take him in to get some answers."

"Sounds like a plan Lady Y/N."

"Good because we're almost there." Tony spoke from the pilot seat to tell us we were nearly there and soon enough we were landing.

We made it to a salvage yard on the African coast and left the jet.

"We'll use coms to let you know if it's a code green so keep your ears open."

"Will do Cap."

The rest of us made our way towards Klaue's ship. Nat and Clint made their way to the top to get inside whereas the rest of us took the entrance and walked straight in.

"Y/N do your thing. If your friends are here, then we can use that to our advantage take them by surprise."

"Stark if you hurt them, I will make you regret it. That goes for you two as well. They're still my friends and I still care about them."

"Alright Y/N we'll make sure we don't hurt them too bad."

"Thanks Dad."

I then did as Tony said and turned invisible so that only he could see me thanks to his suit. I followed behind them and stayed quiet so that they couldn't hear me. We then heard Ultron raising his voice at someone.

"Don't compare me with Stark! It's a thing with me. Stark is... He's a sickness!" Ultron shouted angrily.

"Ah, Junior. Your gonna break your old man's heart." Tony walked forward with me, Thor and my dad following behind him.

"If I have to."

"Nobody has to break anything." Thor stated.

"Clearly you've never made an omelette."

"He beat me by one second." Tony said.

I was so tempted to say something about how Ultron was taking after Tony, but I remembered I was invisible, so I kept quiet. A different voice then spoke. One that sounded familiar. I hadn't yet seen everyone that was there since Tony was stood directly in front of me, but I'd already taken a guess as to who was speaking.

"Ah, yes. He's funny Mr Stark." The voice said and then it hit me.


He continued. "It's what? Comfortable? Like old times?"

I knew exactly what he was talking about. Tony used to make and sell weapons and it just so happened that it was one of his weapons that blew up the apartment building that Pietro and Wanda used to live in as children. They always did blame it on Tony, and they resented him. Maybe that's why they decided to work with Ultron.

The Captain's Daughter. (Pietro Maximoff X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now