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   They arrived at the fair not too long after, Mark parking the car somewhere near a tree.

"Everyone got their wallets and necessities?" Mark voiced out, earning nods from the rest as they made their way to the entrance.

Mark paid for Haechan and after some quarreling, Jaemin ended up paying for both Jeno and himself.

"I'm paying for the rides and games since you paid the entry fee sweets." Jeno leaned down to Jaemin's ear and whispered, proceeding to pull the latter close to him by the waist.

Haechan and Mark gave quick glances at the two walking behind them, trying to find the perfect time to ditch them. It wasn't only a selfish but also a selfless deed.

The fair wasn't as crowded as anyone had expected it to be. There were a few couples or lonely people who came in sight once in awhile but that was about it. It felt great to not have a line but something felt slightly out of place. None of them bothered though.

Jaemin and Jeno were playing a game of toss the ring and they were in too deep to back away without winning a prize.

"One last try. The final. I promise" Jeno handed the person in charge of the stall the money and got the set of five rings. Taking deep breaths and scrunching his face up in concentration, Jeno tossed one ring. To his own surprise, he made it. The second one was tossed and so was the third one. By a miracle they all landed around the bottles. Jaemin stood at his heels now, the suspense and surprise making him let out frustrated and cute squeals and grunts.

Jeno managed to throw the fourth kne flawlessly, securing a fluffy stuffed animal. The last one had to land and they had the privilege to take two other prizes from the stand.

"You can do it kitty." Jaemin cheered, his hand placed on Jeno's tense shoulder. Jeno's heart pumped more blood as it rushed to his cheeks, blushing lightly.

He threw it, closing his eyes since he didn't want to know if he did it or not. It was silent for a second before he felt someone jump onto him, both of them falling on the ground thanks to Jeno's unstable posture. Jaemin was hollering at this point from the amount of happiness he had in him. Jeno felt Jaemin shake him back and forth blabbering random praises that he couldn't focus on.

He felt his hand move on its own, cupping one of Jaemin's cheek as he used the other to pull the hyper latter down. His lips captured the other's, silencing him as they moved in sync. Jaemin had his hands in Jeno's hair, pulling him up a bit as they broke apart. Jaemin's face was flushed, his hands not leaving his kitten's soft hair.

"You're so precious, Nana." Jeno whispered as he moved forward to place a soft peck on his human's pink pretty lips.

Jaemin got off the other and pulled him onto his feet.

" I know, kitty"

The poor lad who was taking care of the stand awkwardly let them take their prizes as he handed a piece of paper.

'Congratulations winner! You shall have another ultimate prize waiting for you at the fortune telling stand near the Ferris wheel. Have fun!'

Jeno thanked the person, shoving the piece of paper into his back pocket and took hold of Jaemin's hand.

"Let's go find the other two and rub it into their faces that we're the ultimate unstoppable couple!" Jaemin cheered as he pulled Jeno with him to the fortune telling stand first.

They spotted the other couple they had parted from near the Ferris wheel. They seemed to be exiting the ride and their disheveled from didn't match the dead slow ride.

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