Killian x Reader

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For @The7Sins

You gasp and swing your arms around, thrashing around in the deep water. You keep trying to grab something but all there is around you is water.

You sink again and fling your arms around towards the surface of the water, where you eventually rise. You gasp and cough out the water you almost swallowed from your mouth.

"H-help!" You choke out.

Your hands keep thrashing about in the waves of the water, trying desperately to remain floating. The waves suddenly become harsher and you get carried with the wave out further into the ocean.

You would've thought that that moment was your last but then you see a ship sailing not that far from you.

You gasp and wave your arms around frantically in the air.

"Help!" You yell out.

You get engulfed again by another wave and taken under the water where you try to rise up again to the surface. Bubbles escape your mouth when you have no more air to breathe but then you're raised up by another wave.

For a moment you think you're day dreaming because you see a hand stretched out to you, but you're so desperate you reach out to grab it and surprisingly you're tugged up aboard the ship you saw.

You stumble to the ground as soon as you're on board. You cough out the remaining water from your mouth and breathe rigidly.

A hand touches your shoulder and you look up to see a man kneeling beside you.

"You alright, mate?"

You cough again but then nod and he helps you stand. He grabs a sheet from another man on deck, another crew member you think, and he puts it around you. Immediately you feel warmer.

"How'd you get to be out in the ocean?" The man asks you.

"I... I was running away from home and I stole a boat... but the waves were too strong and my boat sprung a leak... it sunk and I fell overboard." You say, feeling calmer.

The man nods at you with a small smile.

"Well it's a good thing you have such a strong voice. I heard you yelling."

You smile softly.

"Thank you."

"Of course, ma'lady. I'm Killian Jones, captain of the Jolly Roger, and you are?"


"That's a beautiful name."

You smile in response and Killian turns to one of his crew members.

"Find an empty room down below for Mrs (Y/L/N)." He says.

The crew member nods with an "Aye, Captain" and leaves below deck.

"It's Miss, actually." You say to Killian.

He turns to you and smiles.

"Is that so?"

You nod which gains another warm and gorgeous smile from the handsome pirate.

"Well it is an absolute pleasure,"

He holds your hand and raises it up to his lips.

"Miss (Y/L/N)."

Killian then kisses your hand and pulls back with a smile.

You smile back at him and thank goodness that your face was already red from the coldness of the ocean so that he couldn't tell that you were blushing.

Next Imagine: Peter Pan part 3 (Once Upon a Time).

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