Mr Kit x Reader

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rb: Mad4hugs
thank you for being so patient with me

This is altered from the movie, so what I have written isn't exact to the story-line.

Please enjoy!

Word count: 2,356


You weren't known as a very sociable person. Kind, yes. But sociable? The most unlikely description for you to be known by.

Your family are quite diverse with many people, which is how you became invited to the grand ball of the one and only Mr Kit. To say you were the least bit of excited to attend was an understatement. If there is one act you cannot engage well in it's dancing.

There were many faces unidentifiable to you at the ball. Your mother and father, however, seemed quite known among many of the people. They engaged in conversation and laughed as if they had known them for many years. As if they were the most excellent of friends. But you knew that this was not the case.

The greater the social status, the less was needed to compromise. Your family being of low status-- inferior to those well-known-- needed the sociability as much as possible. It was the only way to head on through the world, your mother puts it.

A hand grasps yours and tugs you away from your thoughts. As you turn back into the solidity of actuality, you see your mother excitedly smiling at you through her blue eyes.

"What is it, momma?" You asks, curious to know the reason behind her excitement.

"Your father and I have been welcomed to meet the royal family!" She excites, "You must come with us as we are greeted by them."

Shyness becomes you, but you do not hesitate in obliging to your mother's wish. As she leads you across the ballroom your father makes his way beside you. He smiles gently down at you, understanding your feeling, and a pleasantness consumes you.

It is not until you are facing the royal family does the pleasantness evaporate almost immediately.

"Please, may I introduce my wife; Mrs (Y/l/n). And our daughter, Ms (Y/n)." Your father speaks.

"It is such a pleasure." Your mother beams.

The royal family smiles at the three of you and you do your utmost to appear calm. Your hand trembles as they introduce themselves, so you hold it with your other hand to steady your nerves.

"I forgive the absence of my son, Mr Kit." Says the King, "He is already engaged."

"It is no inconvenience at all." Says your mother, smiling.

"Tell me, my dear. Do you draw?" Asks the King.

It is only but a moment before you realize he is speaking to you.

"Very poorly, my King." You reply.

"Please, dismiss the formalities. Tonight I am merely your friend."

Your mother brightens at the sound of this; her smile becoming the most prominent feature of her. It warms your heart to see her engulfed in such happiness. It has been far too long since this expression has been shown on her face.

"Ah, my son." The King delights, raising his hand, "The Prince."

Walking from behind you all steps Mr Kit. You have never seen him in person before, only seeing drawings of him or glances from a distance if he ever ventured to your hometown. The drawings seemed almost too good to be true-- a man of such handsome features-- yet you find that they are a true likeness.

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