Hiccup x Reader

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You always did everything with Hiccup. You two were always together, even if you were just friends. You would go running, swimming, dancing, and just hang out all the time. But you wanted to be more than friends.

Ever since he found Toothless and tamed him, everyone in Berk loved him. But that's not how it always was.

When he shot Toothless down no one believed him, except you. When Toothless chose not to kill him no one believed him, except you. When he taught him, when Toothless protected him, when they found the mother Dragon and the Nest, when Hiccup tried to explain to everybody that dragons are good no one believed him, except you.

You were always by his side and kept his secret for him. You told no one and whenever the two of you would run off you had to say that you were going for a swim or playing chasey in the forest.

Your mother always loved Hiccup but your father never saw the good in him, as he would always do something wrong in the village. But you always saw his true, pure self.

By keeping Hiccup's secret you had to lie to your parents, the people you loved the most. It hurt you, and when they found out it hurt them ten times worse. You felt guilty but you still helped Hiccup.

You were the one to encourage him to not give up when his father took an army of vikings to go attack the Nest. You had your eyes on him but he always had his eyes on someone else.


You understood why; she was pretty and brave and controlling, not to mention skilled. You on the other hand were a little slack and shy and smart, and you never thought you were pretty. Only your mother does.

But who looks for brains in women anyway? You fell in love with Hiccup because he was such a cute clutz, he was smart and he saw the world differently. He told things as he saw them. He was the brave one.

When you helped Hiccup gain the trust of everyone left at Berk and helped them fly on dragons to the Nest, he was always around Astrid.

She was much nicer towards him now. She would comfort him when he was about to lose it, and she brought his spirits up... exactly like what you've done for him since the start.

In some way you believe that Hiccup doesn't actually see you; that you're invisible or perhaps you're his guardian angel sent to help him. Sometimes you believe your a ghost or his conscience which gets chucked aside whenever Astrid is in view.

But he liked her, and as a good friend you weren't going to get in between them two.

Before long Hiccup had destroyed the mother dragon and the Nest, returned home a hero, and got the girl of his dreams; Astrid.

You remember running up to him to give him a big hug for being so brave but before you could reach him he was already hugging Astrid. When they kissed you had to leave immediately; you couldn't stand there watching them as your heart was being broken.

You were so heartbroken that you decided to give you and Hiccup some space. He already was spending more time with Astrid and you were always helping out around the village.

You didn't just disappeared from his life, though. Some days you would visit him to say hi or help him with his new metal leg, or you would look after Toothless when he would go out with Astrid.

But slowly those small moments with Hiccup diminished until you barely saw him at all.

Everyone grew up. Stoick was growing grey hairs, Tuffnut was beginning to hit on you, you had to look after your dad when he got sick and eventually had to help your mum when he passed away.

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