Inuyasha x Reader

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For @midnight_from_hell
This is the Anime which I recommend ya'll should watch. Enjoy :)

You were scared by what you were seeing. Inuyasha was turning into a full demon. His nails grew to the size of claws and his eyes were completely red.

This can't be happening! He can't change!

"Inuyasha!" You yell, running over to him and hugging him, "Inuyasha I'm begging you; please don't change!"

You look up at him seeing him growling and roaring without control. You can see him struggling to fight back as he's swaying around in jagged motions.

His eyes are blood red but suddenly a cat-eye blue and green pupil shows and his growls and roars become louder.

No, Inuyasha, you can't change!

"Try what you will, your efforts are in vain. The human heart he possessed is locked inside this mirror." Kaguya says wickedly.

She points to the mirror that is hovering in front of her. Inuyasha's human form can be seen in the glass.

"He will never be a half-demon again." Kaguya laughs.

You don't know what to do. You think about smashing the mirror but what is that going to do? You might end up killing him for all you know.

You feel yourself beginning to cry but you don't let the tears fall. You turn around and hug Inuyasha tighter than before.

"I love you as a half-demon, Inuyasha!" You say.

He must be able to hear you, so if you repetitiously say that you love him for being a half-demon he might stay that way.

It doesn't seem to be working. He keeps growling and roaring, not focusing on anything. You keep hugging him but he's not paying any attention to you.

Kaguya laughs wickedly under her breath and you feel the hot tears stinging your eyes.

"Please, I love you as a half-demon! Can you hear me? I love you!" You shout.

Suddenly Inuyasha stops moving and growling. His cat-eye blue and green pupils vanish until his eyes are completely red again.

It's working!

"What's the matter, Inuyasha? Why the hesitation?" Says Kaguya deeply.

She then says a proverb in another language and Inuyasha starts growling and roaring again. His arms fling up and then he crashes his claw-like nails into the sides of your arms.

You flinch and wince at the pain. His nails are digging into your skin and blood is dripping down your arm. It's so painful you want it to end, but you don't give up on Inuyasha.

You grip onto his clothing as the pain continues to flow through you. How can you stop his transformation? You're sure he loves you too so how come he can't hear you?

Maybe you don't need to be heard... that's it! You can stop the transformation with an act of love!

You look up at Inuyasha and tiptoe up until you lean in and kiss him. His growling stops and you can feel him slowing down his heartbeat.

You can hear Kaguya trying to spur on Inuyasha with her words but he's not moving. Your eyes are shut but you close them even more, letting some tears escape your eyes and roll down you cheeks.

Inuyasha wants to stay with you, doesn't he?

You can hear Inuyasha's human voice as it mumbles in his throat and suddenly his painful grip on you releases.

From behind you you can hear the mirror shatter and you smile into the kiss.

"What's happening?!" Kaguya yells.

You feel Inuyasha's lips push onto yours as he begins to kiss back. You two pull away from one another and you look into his human eyes.

"Inuyasha..." You say, "are you going to be ok now?"

"(Y/N)," He breathes and wraps his arms around you in a warm hug.

You hug him back and smile, knowing that Inuyasha is going to be staying a half-demon.

"Are you nuts? I could've really hurt you!" Inuyasha says but you just smile, "I'll stay a half-demon for a while longer, just for you."

You nod and nuzzle into his chest as he holds you in his embrace.

Sorry if that was bad. I haven't seen much of the series and accidentally this was the first episode I saw of the Anime. I hope you enjoyed it.

Next Imagine: Johnny (Karate Kid).

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