*Peeta x Reader part 2

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@Jenny_DiCaprio wanted a part two so please enjoy :)

You grew up nicely in the Mellark family. The father was nice, Peeta was kind, his brothers were alright but you wanted to smack them out half the time, and the mother was just awful.

She was never nice to you or Peeta. She favored the other two brothers even though they slacked off a lot.

You help Peeta with making the bread and since you're better at baking loaves without burning them, you bake and he makes the dough.

You two were quite the team, actually. You pretty much did everything together; collect water, go to the markets, make cakes, and so on.

Peeta taught you how to decorate cakes so you help him with them whenever you can. You also help his father considering you owe it to him.

You and Peeta were teenagers now, but the brothers were older than the both of you. You always saw Peeta as your brother as well, but you felt other things for him too.

You tried not to think of him in that way as a lot of people would say that it's 'wrong' to love your sibling. But you weren't related so... was it really bad?

It didn't matter anyway. You know that Peeta only sees you as a sister so you suppose it's fine the way things are.

Today is Monday which means that you and Peeta have to go to the markets. You both walk over with some loaves of bread in a paper bag to sell.

Peeta sets up a little stall and you lay out the loaves of bread. Then Peeta and you stand behind the stall and wait until someone decides to purchase them.

It takes some time early in the morning but you finally get some people buying some loaves or half loaves.

Peeta is always generous and gives out as much as people can buy, and even sometimes gives away loaves for free. You know that Mrs Mellark, Peeta's mother, would kill him if she found out but you plan never to tell.

You can trust Peeta with your secrets and vise versa he can trust you with his. The day goes by slow but before long it's time to pack up so you clean up everything and then head home.

"How many loaves did we sell?" You ask.

"Twelve." Says Peeta.

Each day the number of loaves you sell decreases and decreases, and eventually you won't be able to sell anymore.

"I know it's getting hard," says Peeta as if he can read your mind, "but I promise things will be alright."

You smile at him and he gives you a warm smile back before you reach the bakery and go inside. You put the left over loaves in the kitchen and Peeta goes to his mother to give her the money.

You sit by a table before you can hear shouting and then turn to see Mrs Mellark having a go at Peeta, again. She smacks him upside the head and across his arm before she grabs the money in his hand and walks off.

You quickly turn around again before Peeta sees you staring and you hear him walk over to you, putting a hand on your shoulder.

"Everything is ok. Promise." He says with a smile, but you can tell he's hiding something behind it.

You just nod and then Peeta walks off to his room.

During the night while you slept in bed you heard a noise that rose you from your sleep. It was someone walking so you got out of bed and followed the noise.

The person walked out of the back door and you followed them, but stopped by the door to look outside first.

One of the brothers, you couldn't tell which one in the faded moonlight, was hunched back and sitting on the curb crying.

No matter who it was you knew they needed comfort so you opened the door and walked outside.

"Hey," you say gently sitting beside him.

He turns and looks at you and you see that it's Peeta, which makes you feel more sad for him.

"What's wrong?" You say.

"Nothing," he says sniffling and looks back down at the ground.

"Peeta, you're a pretty terrible lier and besides I can see that you're upset. You can tell me; I'll listen."

He lets a few more tears drop before he starts to talk;

"My mother found out that I was selling the bread for less,"

You sigh gently and then put your hand ontop of his for comfort.

"She says I'm the reason why we aren't selling enough loaves."

"Of course you're not! More people buy bread from us because of you. Peeta, you're keeping this family alive." You tell him.

He smiles softly and entwines his fingers with yours. You blush slightly but try to shake the feeling off.

"Thank you, (Y/N). You're always here for me. I don't know what I'd do if my father never found you out in the rain that night."

"Me neither. Knowing you has really changed my life. I'm so lucky to know you and your father."

Peeta smiles more which makes you smile back, and he reaches over to tuck a lose strand of hair behind your ear.

His touch sends you shivers which Peeta notices. He then leans in closer to you and you hold your breath.

Is he going to... kiss you??

"What are you two doing?" You hear someone shout whisper out to you and Peeta.

You both look towards the door where one of Peeta's brothers are standing.

"What are you doing? Ever heard of privacy?" Peeta says.

"Whatever. Get back inside before mother finds out!"

Peeta sighs and you both stand up still holding hands. The brother leaves and then Peeta walks over to the door letting go of your hand.

You sigh quietly looking down for a second before looking up again to see Peeta walking back over to you.

Before you can say anything he puts his hands on the sides of your face and kisses you passionately. Your eyes widen for a second before you close them and melt into the kiss.

After a while you both pull back with smiles on your faces.

"I should've done that ages ago." Peeta whispers.

Next Imagine: Killian Jones (Once Upon a Time)

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