Henry Mills x Reader

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#HenryWeek - Angst Imagine.
Word count: 3,054

People get you confused all the time. They always mistake you for something you're not. They say you're jealous, angry, and overprotective but you're not. Just because you give a few glares now and then doesn't mean any of it. Sometimes you can't help it. But everyone says that you hate her. You don't hate her! She's really nice, you just hate her company.

"You there?" Violet asks, waving her hand in front of your face.

"Oh, sorry. I must've spaced out." You say.

Honestly, Violet is amazing. She's a great friend and you'd never hurt her, but recently she's been spending loads of time with Henry. You don't hate her for it, but you get upset with Henry. He would leave you in a second to go hang out with Violet and that really hurts.

"It's ok," Violet smiles, "I usually get lost in thought myself when I tend to the horses."

You smile and nod. She brought you into the barn today so that you could see the horses, and when she had to clean them you insisted to help her. Like you've said; she's your friend. When people say you're jealous, angry and overprotective they think it's towards Violet, but it's not. It's towards Henry.

"Hey, Violet." Henry calls, walking into the barn.

Speak of the Devil. You turn around and look over at Henry. He smiles and hugs Violet hello, then after a moment of silence he looks up at you.

"Oh, hi (Y/n). I didn't see you there." Henry says.

Well, that's where your anger comes in. Around Violet you don't exist.

"Yeah, hi." You say, and turn around again to comb the horse.

"What are you doing here?" Violet asks.

Come on Violet, you already know the answer.

"I came to see you." Henry says.

There it is.

"Oh, that's so nice of you." Violet says.

"Do you want to do something today?" Henry asks.

"I'd love to, but I can't."

"Why not?"

"I promised to spend the day with (Y/n). I don't brake my promises."

Ha, take that Mayor's boy.

"Oh, ok." Henry says, his voice sad.

You turn around sighing and walk over to them, but you don't say anything.

"Well, I suppose I'll leave you two then." Henry says.

"Yep." You say.

"Ok, goodbye Henry." Violet smiles.

When she smiles at him he instantly perks up and smiles back.

"Bye." He waves, and walks out of the barn.

"Back to the horses." You say.

"Yes." Violet nods.

You both walk over to the horses to continue combing them.

"Hey, Violet?" You ask.

"Yes?" She smiles.

"Because we're going to spend the day together, do you want to go to the park? We can stop by Granny's Diner on the way so we can feed the ducks."

"That sounds lovely, (Y/n)."


When you got home that night, and by home you mean Mary Margaret and David's apartment, because you wanted to sleep over for a bit, you told them all about your day.

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