chapter nine

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Elham had successfully made it past the guards. Baghra was right, they had paid no mind to a random Grisha walking around the courtyard, instead scanning for unwanted guests. They had simply nodded at her as she stepped inside. She immediately had removed her kefta, discarding it in a random hall closet, left in only her dress, which she was sure she must have looked uncomfortable and out of place in.

She was now wandering through random passageways, trying to find her way to the ballroom. She was desperately trying to remember the blueprints Kaz had shown her, trying not to get caught, when she heard a voice.

"Are you lost?"

A chill ran up Elham's spine, and she went rigid. It was the Darklings voice.

"You aren't supposed to be back here, the fete is in the ballroom. Can I help you find your way?"

Elham tried to control her breath, willing the tears to stop falling. She quickly wiped under her eyes, finally turning to face him. He hadn't aged a day. He gave her a soft smile, but it slowly faded as he seemed to analyze her face.

"Have we met before? What's your name?"

Elham realized she must have looked much older than the little girl who had fled the Little Palace, and she stamped a smile on her face, trying to mask her fear.

"I'm so sorry, sir. My name is Anya. I needed a bit of fresh air, and I must have gotten lost. No, I don't think we have met, it's my first time at the Palace. And I think I would remember meeting a General. I hope you'll forgive me for saying this, but it's all quite...overwhelming. I didn't mean to get so turned around, though, I just needed a minute."

The Darkling's smile returned, and he offered her his arm. "It's quite alright, I'll lead you back to the party."

Elham hesitated, before taking his arm, stepping in place beside him. He began guiding them back to the party.

"Where did you say you're from, if I may ask? You look terribly familiar, I must know your family."

"I quite doubt it. I'm from a small town in Kribirsk, but my family is from Novyi Zem. We came into some money and my father decided Ravka was a better opportunity for us. Turns out he was right, I never imagined we would be invited to the winter fete. My father fell ill a few weeks ago, however, but he insisted I still come, meet good people."

The Darkling smiled, patting her hand with his. They had arrived just outside the ballroom. "I'm glad you came. I hope you enjoy your stay, if you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to. Just go right through those doors, the party is in there."

"Of course, thank you for helping me find my way back!"

He gave her a graceful nod, and turned down another corridor, leaving her standing still in the middle of an empty hall. She let out the breath she had been holding. She violently rubbed at the arm he had been holding, trying to wipe away his touch. He had been uncharacteristically cold to the touch, despite his warm greeting, and Elham could still feel his hand on her skin.

She caught her breath, calming herself as best she could. The Crows still needed her, and the plan wasn't going to fail because she couldn't keep her wits together. She headed into the ballroom, scanning the crowd of people for anyone familiar, or the Sun Summoner herself.

A guard came to stand next to her, clearing his throat.

"Sorry sir, I...saints, Kaz?"

He whispered next to her, barely looking in her direction, trying not to blow his cover. "Where the hell have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you, you know the plan--"

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