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"Here lies the Boatem pole that sits above the Boatem hole." Was what established the lands. Five people gathered and made the pole with their bare hands, causing a monumental moment in the history of Hermitcraft.

They shrugged it off, obviously. It was a bit and they were having fun creating a pit to the void to 'sacrifice' people.

At least, that's what it was supposed to be.

They would shove each other around, not caring if any of them fell into the hole on accident. It was a mutual agreement between them all. They never noticed the increased luck or strength they got after sacrificing themselves or each other.

Why would they? It doesn't have any relation.

Or does it?


The Boatem people left the pit alone for awhile. They all were busy on projects elsewhere. There was no use in lazying about all day when they could he advancing.

Mumbo was collecting blaze rods for his shop when he heard a pop. Blinking, he was no long standing in front of the blaze farm and was now at the hole, the other Boatem members looking around with dazed looks.

"Okay, what just happened?" Impulse asked after a silent moment. They shrugged, unsure what had just occured.

"Did someone set up a meeting? You know you can just ask me to organize it." Grian asked, looking at every member.

"I don't think any of us called a meeting." Mumbo answered, voice slightly higher than usual.

"You would be wrong with that assumption." A figure flew out of the hole, landing on top of the pole. They balanced on it perfectly, hands behind their back.

"Who are you?" Pearl asked, voice steady and calm. She was the only one that looked confident at the moment, talking to a person who nobody knew.

"I am Boatem, god of this Boatem pole, upon the Boatem hole, and this whole area." The person said with order. They seemed to shift, changing clothing or even forms. The voice changed accents but it was glitchy. The person scared Mumbo.

"A god? But they don't usually show up this early in establishments." Grian wondered, eyes narrowed. Mumbo wanted to shout at him to not anger someone who definitely had more power than all of them combined. They just laughed.

"I have always been here. I was just called by another name." They shifted into an earthen robe, eyes looking like the waves and water surrounding Boatem. Their hair was like grass and skin a light brown color, the one that was specific to the soil in Boatem. "This was my original form. I was a little bit diverse then but now," they shifted into the form they had before. A top hat similar to Scar's, wings like Grian's, a mustache alike to Mumbo's, a coat with paint splotches all over just like Pearl's, and cargo shorts that had redstone dust flaked over similar to Impulse's. Instead of being the uneven colors that clashed with each other that the Hermits wore, they changed tk match the buildings. Everything turned a copper green with white accents for Mumbo's van. It turned brown with slight color changes dotted for the wooden houses the Pearl and Grian still unofficially lived in. A light change to a mix or copper orange and green for Scar's Landbo. Impulse's base changed the outfit almost entirely, replacing it with an industrial feel of cogs dotted around. For some of the forms, there were a set of steampunk goggles that sat on the brim of the top hat. In others, it changed to a pair of work gloves that would be used in a construction site.

"That doesn't exactly explain my question." Grian was still very skeptical.

"Well, lots of gods and goddesses are created with establishment or mortal belief. You created an establishment and now I am here." They put it simply with a shrug.

"Uh, mr.- miss- mx.- wait what should we call you?" Scar asked. The god just smiled.

"I can be anything or anyone." Their voice was raised higher and then lowered for effect. "I am fine with any pronouns that you find easiest but I do prefer not having any titles. It makes it confusing and I just want to be a friend." Grian let out a huff.

"What are you here for other than to introduce yourself? You need something or otherwise you would have kept your identity a secret." The god's eyes flared for a second before easing down.

"You still have problems with gods and goddesses after all this time? You need to learn some respect if we have to get along. I let it go that you were claimed by someone else for this long but if anything changes, we will have problems." Their voice rumbled like an earthquake that occasionally shook the lands. They turned to everyone else with a smile. "Anyways, the reason I am here is for safrifices."

It was silent before Scar let out a shaky, "what?"

Words: 835
Written: Thursday, September 16th, 2021, 1:48 am
Originally posted: Thursday, September 16th, 2021, 1:59 am

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