Chapter 1

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     "Sacrifices?" Mumbo felt himself pale at the thought. Why would they have even been sacrificing each other in the first place.

     "Why are you here? Does Hermitcraft even know you are here?" Grian asked, demanding for answers.

     "That old wheeze? Hermitcraft is a fool to think she can claim whatever she wants! This was my land! She can't kick me out!" Mumbo looked over at Grian, wondering what he was talking about.

     "She?" He asked him.

     "Long story short, we all kind of unknowingly worship a very powerful goddess. She doesn't like to show herself and doesn't like actually being worshiped to. She is one of the most forgiving deities but she doesn't like others." He had his arms crossed, looking the god up and down. "She wouldn't let some god get into here, especially a corrupt one."

     "You've talked to a goddess before?" Impulse asked, looking like his mind just exploded.

     "I don't trust deities. If Xisuma and Hermitcraft wanted me to join, she was going to have to let me interview her. Anyways," he turned back to the god, a glare on his face, "leave or else I will summon Hermitcraft here. She will put an end to this!" The god sighed, sinking back into the hole.

     "Fine, but if I don't get sacrifices, I will be back." They left without another word.


     "What the heck just happened?" Pearl asked after a second of silence. Grian just sunk to the ground, looking exhausted.

     "I guess you all want me to explain." They all nodded their heads, gathering around him in a circle. "Where should I begin?"

     "What were you saying about Xisuma?" Impulse piped up.

     "Xisuma is an admin, aka he is the champion of the goddess he serves under. He has devoted himself to her and when he leaves, it will be given to another person. It goes on and on and on until Hermitcraft disappears."

     "How does a goddess even disappear?"

     "It's complicated but basically, if the civilization or thing they have control over dies or if everyone forgets about the deity. There are tons of gods and goddesses that disappear after a short time." He explained while the other listened intently.

     "How have you known other deities?" Scar wondered. Grian tensed slightly.

     "I will serve under you forever." His head was bowed he pledged himself. A burning pain erupted from his arm and back.

     "I've been to other places." He wrapped his hand around the dull thudding that he felt against his arm. It was hidden by a sweater but he still knew where it was and he could see it hovering in mist about the fabric.

     "Other places with deities and from what I can tell, not good ones." Pearl observed quietly. Grian let go of his arm, squeezing his eyes closed.

     "I don't like to talk about it." He quickly muttered under his breath.

     He opened his eyes again and saw that everyone was looking away. None of them met his gaze.

     "Okay, then we won't talk about it." Scar assured, still looking at the grass on the ground in front of him.

     "It's been a long day, why don't we just go and..." Impulse hesitated. He seemed unsure of what to say.

     "Do whatever we were doing before! That way, we can just think about this later." Pearl suggested in his stead. They could all hear the implications in her tone though. 'Forget this ever happened.'

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