Enhypen : When he...

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When he wants attention while you're calling your best friend (as your boyfriend)


He will be bothering you while you're talking with your bsf, and he will sit beside you and put his head on your arm bc he wants you to pat his head. But you didnt pat his head so then he pushed you and left your room.

 But you didnt pat his head so then he pushed you and left your room

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He will be sitting beside you and will be listening to your conversations and pretend that hes using his phone but he's actually waiting for the tea. But then when he realized that you were talking abt him he walked out of the room while being sassy then he took mint choco ice cream out the fridge and gave it to you knowing you HATE mint choco flavored food and then you shouted at him. And he gave you a sassy look.

(whoever likes mint choco then he gave the ice cream to you and you ate it all and he smiled but realizing that you ate all the ice cream and shouts/screams at you)

(whoever likes mint choco then he gave the ice cream to you and you ate it all and he smiled but realizing that you ate all the ice cream and shouts/screams at you)

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He would cook your favorite food  and eats it in front of you, and you would go to him and ask him if you can have some but he doesnt give you. "Give me a kiss first then I'll give you." He said while hes pointing on his cheek and you bsf would be teasing you and you ended up kissing him after that he gave you the food and your friend wouldn't stop teasing you 😅

" He said while hes pointing on his cheek and you bsf would be teasing you and you ended up kissing him after that he gave you the food and your friend wouldn't stop teasing you 😅

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He would bring maeumi to you and you would just ignore them. "Y/n~ come play with us." He said and you answered "not now Jungwon-ah, I'm talking with my friend." Jungwon was thinking of smth to let you pay attention to him so he decided to do aegyo while holding maeumi, and you couldnt resist looking at your boyfriend so you watched him do aegyo with maeumi and he smiled and said "Yesssss I finally got your attention!" And he ran up to you and cuddle with you while youre talking with your bestie

" Jungwon was thinking of smth to let you pay attention to him so he decided to do aegyo while holding maeumi, and you couldnt resist looking at your boyfriend so you watched him do aegyo with maeumi and he smiled and said "Yesssss I finally got y...

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He'll be singing your favorite song outside of your room loudly until you tell him to stop but you didn't so he got tired and played games instead "oh he stopped singing." You told your best friend and they asked "what is he doing now?" "Idk let me check." Then you went out of your room as saw Heeseung playing games. And he saw you come out and he smiled "why are you smiling? Did you win?" You asked "no, I'm smiling bc you finally came out of your room." And then he hugs you and asked "do you want ramyeon?" And you smiled.

" And then he hugs you and asked "do you want ramyeon?" And you smiled

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He wouldn't actually interrupt your conversation, instead he will play with Layla until you finish. Except if you are doing homework with your bsf and its either Maths or Physics he would help both of you and if theres a quiz or an exam soon he would help both of you for a few hours but you and your bestie ends up with a low score. You showed your scores to him and say "Jake, me and my bsf both got a low score. Ig we forgot who to do it 😅." And Jake respond with "YAH WE TOOK A LONG TIME STUDYING AND YOU STILL GOT A LOW SCORE?!?!" and you said "I'm sorry Jake ik you worked hard for us to get full scores. But at least we passed and almost failed those 1 to 2 points made us pass!" You said happily "Ig you're right." Jake answered

" Jake answered

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He would go and hangout with the members instead of wanting your attention and he would come home kinda late and you would just stay awake until he comes home but while you're waiting for him you fell asleep in his room "Y/n im home!" He said "where is this girl?" He whispered then he checked his room and saw you sleeping on his bed so he decided to get changed and slept with you he giggled and said "you're so cute y/n." Then you smiled and said "thank you Sunghoon, you too." Then he got shocked and asked "wait you're still awake??" "I was sleeping but then my dream ended so I woke up." You said "come on let's sleep now." Sunghoon said while closing his eyes.

Ik that some of these isnt really like the topic but I just couldn't think of anything so I jus wrote the things I think they would do

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Ik that some of these isnt really like the topic but I just couldn't think of anything so I jus wrote the things I think they would do

Anyways hope you enjoyed this <3

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