Yang Jungwon - Strangers

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Y/n's POV

I was hungry so I decided to go to the store to buy some snacks, but then I felt someone back hug me...

"Who are you??"

"Hi, um I'm sorry but can you please pretend to be my girlfriend for a bit?"

"What why?"

"There's girls that are obsessed with me or smth and they keep on chasing me everywhere I go.

"Oh well I'm sorry to hear that, but I can't pretend to be your girl-"

He cut me off by saying
"They are here."

"Hey Jungwon- wait who is that?"
One of the girls asked.

"Well this is my girlfriend-"

"Wait whats your name?" He whispered

"Y/n." I whipered back

"Ok, this is my girlfriend Y/n."

"Oh uh, nice to meet you y/n."

"Umm Jungwon, can we ask you smth?"

"Sure." He answered

"Can we have your number?" The girls asked

"Um I don't think I can."

"Why not?"

"Cuz someone here might get jealous." He said while pointing at me

"Oh ok, sorry for bothering you." They said

Then they left the store

Jungwon turned around to me and said "thank you so much."

"No problem."

"Um do I owe you smth?"

"Uh no, you don't need to."

"I feel like I have to owe you smth. Do you want me to pay for your snacks?" He asked

"No its fine you don't have to."

"Can I at least get your phone number?" He asked

"Umm sure." You gave him your phone number


"Ok, see ya I might call or text you often."

You laughed "ok ill expect your calls and messages."

*A few weeks later*

Jungwon POV

"Jungwon-ah, who are you talking to?" Heeseung asked

"Oh um, I'm talking to y/n, we met each other in a store a few weeks ago." I answered

"And you suddenly ask for her number???" Sunghoon asked

"Um, no. She helped me."


"Remember the girls who are obsessed with me?"

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