Park Jongseong - Detention

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I haven't reread this so there might be some mistakes.. Enjoy!
Yn's POV

"Gosh, I'm late again!!" I shouted while running to school

"Why didn't my alarm go off?" I checked my phone to see if I set the alarm or not

"I DIDNT SET THE ALARM?!?" I shouted again but finally arriving to school

I arrived panting and trying to catch my breath. After I can breathe again I walked inside checking my timetable

"Wow, first class is math, nice.." I sighed

I arrived in class and the teacher did not look happy

"Really, you're late again, Shin Yn?" He asked

"Yes, sorry, I forgot to set my alarm.." I said and he rolled his eyes

"Then how come your sister arrived in time?" He asked while pointing to my older sister, Shin Ryujin

"I'm sorry sir." I said

"Go and sit down!" He shouted

I quickly went to my seat and I hid my face bc of embarrassment, everyone in the room witnessed that!! Especially, my crush, Park Jongseong, or what the other kids call him Jay.. The bully of the school..

I was just daydreaming abt Jay but then I got interrupted by the teacher.

"Shin yn! Whats the answer to this question?" He pointed to the board

I didn't know the answer so I looked around seeing if anyone is gonna give me the answers, but I had no hope, so I turned to my bsf, Wonyoung, and she was shaking her head meaning that she doesn't know the answer either

"Thats what I thought, you werent listening, DETENTION!!" He shouted making everyone get shocked

"What?? Detention for not knowing an answer???" I asked

"No, detention for not listening to me, now you'll be in detention w Jay." He told me

"Wait, how did Jay get detention???" I asked

"He drew on my picture at the hall way, and wrote 'made by Jay'."

"Oh." I said

I will finally get a moment with Jay??? I never thought I'll be happy being in detention. I looked at my sister and my bsf, who knows I like him, and they both smirked at me.

At lunch

"Girl, youre going to be in detention w your crush!" Wonyoung whispered loudly only me and Ryujin can hear

"Shh, I don't want them to know that I like him!" I whispered back

"Listen, sis, this is your chance to get to know him more!" Ryujin said while stuffing food in her mouth

"True.. But ik he doesn't like me.." I said while drinking my drink

"Girl, its fine if he doesnt like you, you can find other ppl." Wonyoung said trying to gain my confidence back

I just nodded and we continued to eat our lunch

Jay's POV

"Hyung how do you feel with yn being in detention with you?" Sunoo asked

"I'm fine with it tbh." I said while fixing my hair

"Mhm, sure." Sunghoon said while nodding slowly

"What?" I asked

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