Lee Heeseung - Inlove with Mr. Lee

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A/n: ive saw an imagine like this on youtube. Ill just make it a little different from the imagine I watched. Ctto

Author's POV

Y/n has been working in Lee Company for a few months now. Y/n and her bestie Kira work together, and y/n has a crush on her boss, Lee Heeseung.

Y/n's POV

Oh my gosh I'm late again, Heeseung will be so mad.

"Hey y/n!" Jake called my name

"Hey Jake, I can't talk rn I'm late!"

"Heeseung hyung is not here yet y/n."

"What? He's late?"

"Well... He said that he has a meeting with his parents. So dw youre not late."

"Oh thank god. Thanks for telling me Jake!"

"No problem!"

I ran to my desk and saw Kira standing there looking at me

"What are you looking at Kira?"

"Why were you running? Yk Mr. Heeseung have a meeting with his parents today."

"I didn't know! But Jake told me, so now ik."

"Let's start working before Mr. Heeseung arrives."

"Why do you call him mr. Heeseung?

"Cuz that what he wants to be called y/n, yk that!"

"Oh- welp-"

"What do you call him?" Kira asked

"Uhm, Heeseung."


"Shh,  yes,I call him Heeseung."

"Even when you're talking to him???"

"Well.. Yeah but he always remind me to call him Mr. Lee or Mr. Heeseung."

"And do you?"

"Well.. Sometimes. I forget to call him Mr. Heeseung sometimes!"

"Alright then, let's just do work now."

               *few mins later*

"Hey Y/n, Mr. Lee is here." Kira whispered

"Wait why does he look mad?"

"Idk maybe he's stressed. Oh wait its his birthday soon, you should give him smth."

"Really? What should I give him?" I asked

"Maybe ask him out for dinner?"

"Oh yeah, that's a great idea!"

"You should ask him now!"

"W..what? Now? But hes in a bad mood!"

"Just go. Maybe he'll be better when you go there."

"Alright then, wish me luck." I said while crossing my fingers

"Um.. Mr. Lee? Are you busy?" I said while knocking on his door

"No, I'm not."

"Ok then, um since its your birthday soon, I decided to ask you out for dinner."

"On my birthday?"

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