Sim Jake - Forced Marriage

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Hi guys! B4 I start the imagine I just want to say that sorry for not posting that much bc now I have school again so I'm kinda busy so sorry for that, and one more thing. Happy new year!!! <3. Now let's get on w the imagine!
(Just to let you guys know that I did not re-read it after I finished so it might have some wrong grammar)


Yn and Jake have been in a forced marriage for a few years now, they were both forced by their parents. Their parents are going to share a company together that's why they have to get married together. But the thing is Jake doesn't like yn, but yn likes him...


I woke up and saw Jake sleeping beside me, so I decided to wake up quietly and slowly so I don't wake him up. I went downstairs to make breakfast, then a few minutes later Jake came down and waited until I finished cooking.


"Here you go, Jake." You said while handing him his food

"Thanks." He said. He didn't even look at you.

"Just deal with it, yn. He'll never love you back." You told yourself

You thought that Jake already left, but no he didn't leave yet, he heard everything you said and felt guilty. Guilty for treating you badly these couple years.

*Time skip* - At the afternoon

You called your bestie, Chaehyun, to come over, and ofc she came. She always comes over ever since you got married. You tell her everything that you've been feeling abt Jake.


Chaehyun finally arrived and she saw Jake on the couch using his phone.

"Hey." Chaehyun said while waving at Jake

"Hi." Jake whispered back while waving

"Who were you talking to?" I asked

"Oh I was talking to Jake. You didn't know he was here?" Chaehyun asked while turning around to look at Jake

"Oh uh, I came back home a few minutes before you came." Jake answered

"Oh ok. So yn you needed me?" Chaehyun asked

"Oh yeah, I do... Lets go to my room." I asked while dragging her upstairs

Jake POV

Tbh I didnt go anywhere, well I did, but I just bought coffee and then I came back after.

I didnt go with the boys bc I wanted to apologize to yn, but when I came home, she was in the garden reading a book, so I didnt want to disturb her.


When we arrived at my or should I say mine and Jakes room, Chaehyun and I sat at the bed.

"So did anything happen this morning?" Chaehyun asked

"Nope, everything was the same.." I said while looking down

"Girl, look, ik that he has a soft spot for you, maybe he just doesn't show it YET." She said trying to make me feel better

"Chaehyun-ah you think a guy like him would have a soft spot for me? Let me answer that, no he doesn't." I told her and she rolled her eyes

"Yn, yk ive seen how he acts with the boys." She said while giving me a smirk

My eyes widen bc ive never known how he acts with the boys

"Tell me how he acts with the boys!" I said which made her chuckle

"Ok, first he acts so nice and caring to them, especially the maknae line." She said

"I wonder when I'm going to see that caring and nice Jake." I said then sighed

"Second, he acts so bright with the boys, he'll always be laughing with them and stuff.. He's not cold like how he is to you.." She said but then she asked me a question

"Btw yn, have you heard Jake laugh before?" She asked with a curious face

"Yeah, once." I said

"When?" She asked

"Um when he was watching Big Bang Theory." (Idk what show he should watch I just chose that bc I love that show)

"Oh. Well I'm sure he'll laugh more in the future.. Hopefully y'all are happy with each other." She said while crossing her fingers

"Yeah.. Let's hope." I said while crossing my fingers too

Jake POV

They are taking so long up there, maybe yn is telling her what's happening with our relationship.

I lost patience.. I decided to go upstairs instead...


"Yn, can I talk to you? Alone..." Jake said while looking at me coldly

"Oh... Ok.." I said while waving to Chaehyun

We went outside and Jake pulled me away from our room so Chaehyun wont hear what we will be talking abt

"Yn.. I wanted to tell you this.." Jake said

Wow.. He looks serious with what he's going to tell me.

"Yn, I've been thinking and I wanted to say... I'm sorry..." My eyes widen after what he said

"I'm sorry for everything.. I'm sorry for ignoring you, I'm sorry for not appreciating anything you do.." He said while holding my hand

While listening to his apology, I teared up.. But i saw Chaehyun's head popping out of the door, trying to listen to our conversation

"Do you forgive me?" Jake asked

"Yes. I forgive you, Jake.." I said while smiling

He smiled back.. I was shocked seeing him smile

We hugged and Chaehyun came out and clapped. We stopped hugging to look at her

"Yes! That day was come! They finally love each other!!!" She said while jumping happily

The End

Don't forget to stream blessed-cursed!!! Have a nice day/night <3 ❤

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