Park Jongseong - Your eyes

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Hi guys! I currently have 4-5 imagines to make/ im thinking of and one of them is a ship imagine so pls look forward to it!


I didnt reread this btw!


Author's POV

Yn is in a forced marriage with Jay, they were forced to marry each other because of their parents. Their parents are best friends ever since Jay and Yn were in diapers, but for some reason they dont like each other. So they decided how to make them not hate each other. Will it work?

Yn's POV

I woke up once again in the same bed as Jay, hoping that today we'll finally make up. I stood up to go downstairs to make breakfast, even though Jay is the 'chef' in our relationship I'm still the one who makes the breakfast since hes always waking up late, but the good thing is he eats the food i cook and not order food from somewhere else.

When i finished making our breakfast, Jay finally came down, looking half asleep. I chuckled to myself finding him cute, but then he looked at me with a glare, "look whos grumpy" i pout teasingly which made him roll his eyes as his response "just give me the food yn, i need to work the whole day today with a lot of stuff to do. I am not ready for your 'cheerful' energy." He said coldly as i hand him his food. We then ate in silence, like we always do, but the silence was ruined by me sighing, "why cant we just get along?" I said mumbling to myself hope he didnt understand what i said. Then after that he looked at me then looked away. 'Did he actually hear what i said?' I thought to myself and continued eating my food.

Jay third person POV

'Did i hear that right? She wants us to get along?' Jay thought and sighed mentally since he didnt want yn to think that she was bothering him. Jay stood up from the table and put his plate in the sink, when he was about to leave he made eye contact with yn and went back to the sink to wash the dishes because he felt bad leaving the dishes out when yn did all the cooking. After he washed his dishes he went to the stairs and said "ill be taking a shower, and prepare to go to work ok?" Yn hummed in response.

Then Jay was walking down the stairs, all prepared and dressed up to go to work. He saw yn cleaning the kitchen after she has finished eating. "I'll get going now." Jay said and yn smiled at him "goodluck with work honey!" She smiled and waved at him, but he just nodded and left which made yn sad.

Yn third person POV

'What was i thinking?? He will never wave back and smile at you yn. Get. It. Together.' Yn thought to herself as she continued to clean the kitchen. Yn then went to the living room after cleaning the kitchen and decided to watch a youtube video. When she sat down she was looking for the remote, then she finally found it near hers and Jay's framed photo which made her emotional. They both looked so happy in the picture, it was their first trip together, they went to the amusement park, which was a few weeks before they got married. They got to go there so they can have fun so they did enjoy it. Yn sighed 'i wish i can see that smile again..' yn said as she wiped her tear away.

Time skip

Author pov

Jay came back home from work earlier than usual, and yn was confused because he complained this morning that he had TONS of work to do "why are you here so early? I thought you had tons of work to do?" Yn asked and Jay sighed and said "my boss told me to come home early alright?" Out of curiosity, yn asked him why and Jay stopped and started stuttering "um- i- becau- i-" yn gave him a confused look and he finally got an excuse "because! I have been working so hard that he noticed and let me leave early! Yeah." He couldn't stand still which made yn even more suspicious but she just shrugged it off and went to their shared room.

Jay's pov

Yn finally went back to our room so i decided to prepare my surprise to her. I went out to my car and picked up all the stuff i wanted to surprise her with. I put down the flowers onto our dinning table and put all of yn's favorite snacks beside it with a medium sized stuffed toy that she always wanted but couldnt buy and another stuffed toy that i designed, a beige teddy bear wearing a cute outfit while holding a heart and flowers in its arms. I was satisfied with my surprise and decided its finally time to call yn down.

"Yn! Can you come down please?" Jay shouted and waited for yn to arrive at the end of the staircase then blindfolded her "what are you doing Jay?" She asked "oh youll see." Jay then gently dragged yn to the dinning table and took off her blindfold, she gasped at the surprise he made for her "oh my- Jay. W-what is all this?" She asked and Jay told her to sit down.

"I wanted to surprise you with all of your favorite stuff." Jay smiled "why? Why so sudden?" Yn asked and saw Jay soften his expression then took a deep breath before saying what has been in his mind for a while now. "Do you know what my favorite color is yn?" Jay asked making yn tilt her head in confusion "no? Why?" Yn asked and Jay held her hand staring into her eyes with love. "My favorite color is brown." Jay paused after saying that which made yn nod confusingly "and the reason i like brown, is because of your beautiful eyes. Everytime you look at me with those beautiful brown eyes, you make my heart melt.. and completely make me forget what i was doing." Jay said and looked at yn, yn had a shocked expression on her face with her mouth hanging open so Jay chuckled and closed her mouth.

"Then why do you act like you dont like me?" Yn asked and Jay's face changed from being in love to feeling guilty. "Im sorry if i upset you. I just couldnt bare to look at you because if i do ill feel weak. I didnt mean to hurt your feelings. But now since ive confessed everything, ill treat you like the best girl in the whole world." Jay said in a calm tone which made yn smile and hugged him and of course he hugged her back.

The end

Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed this imagine!! Im sorry if its too much describing and maybe annoying bc of a lot of descriptions and mostly cringy at the end.

Here are the imagines that ill do soon!

Nonsense: Jake x heeseung
Again: Ni-ki
Senior: Jungwon
Tutor: Heeseung
Rival: Jake
Look alike: Sunghoon / Sunoo

And yeah thats all for this imagine!!

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