Enhypen reaction

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When he realized that you are jealous (as your boyfriend)


You guys were just taking a walk at the park and Sunghoon saw his girl childhood friend so he decided to talk with her for a bit... While they were talking, you were just sitting at a bench looking at them.. "Bye! See you next time!" Sunghoon said to her and walked towards you. "ByE! sEe YoU NeXt TIme!" You mocked and he realized "Are you jealous, yn?" ( ill make it yn instead of y/n so itll be written more faster)
"No I'm not!" You said while pouting.. He chuckled and said "yn, you don't have to be jealous bc youre already mine." (Omg so cringy) you were shocked with what he said.. And then he hugged you.


You and Jay were at an amusement park and suddenly a random girl came and flirt with Jay... You saw and you suddenly pulled Jay and said "Sorry, He's taken." And you pulled his arm and you guys stopped in front of a store. "Are you jealous, yn?" Jay asked "What do you think? She literally flirted with you!" You answered. "Yn, calm down, I was going to tell her that I'm taken, but then you said it instead." He answered "oh-" you said "I didn't know you could get jealous so easily." He chuckled.


You were walking to 7-11 when you saw Jungwon talking to a girl.. You couldn't see who the girl was bc she was wearing a mask, so you decided to walk past them but Jungwon didnt see you.. When you arrived home you texted Jungwon asking where he is and he answered that he's coming back home... When he arrived home you were standing at the door with your arms crossed "What's wrong, yn?" He asked "where were you?" You asked "Um I went to see someone." He answered. "Who was it? A girl?" You asked "um, wait, why are you asking me these questions?" He asked "Bc I saw with someone else earlier. Care to explain?" You said while raising a brow. "Yn, that girl you saw with me was my cousin." he said. "Oh, she was your cousin.." You answered "what a relief..." You sighed "Were you jealous, yn?" Jungwon said while smiling "Um, no..." You said while looking away and then he hugged you.


You guys were at a café and suddenly someone came up to you and Ni-ki and she gave him a drink with a note saying "have a nice day!! <3" and he smiled after reading the note but then he glanced at your way and he saw you looking curious of what she wrote "can I see the note?" You asked "um, here." He said while giving to you. You read it and you were kinda jealous. "I'll be back." You said while standing up. You walked to the girls table and showed her the note, "yes? May I help you?" She asked "yes, um, you gave this to my boyfriend." You said while putting the note on her table "oh sorry, I didnt know you guys were dating." She said "its fine, just keep this note." You said and walked away. "What did you say to her yn?" Ni-ki asked "I just gave the note back to her and I told her that we are dating." You answered back "were you jealous, yn?" Ni-ki asked while smiling "um, no." You said while looking away "aww you were jealous!" He said while poking your cheeks.


You guys were going on a date and when you guys arrived at the restaurant the waitress started flirting with him. Heeseung turned around to you seeing you looking at him then looked at the menu and the waitress figured out that y'all were tgt so she left and apologized to you, "oh, I'm so sorry miss." She said "its fine..." You answered back while giving her a smile, but Heeseung knew that you gave her your fake smile. "Yn, are you sure you're fine?" He asked "yeah, why would you say that?" You said "bc that was your fake smile." Heeseung said while drinking his water "um-" he cut you "were you jealous?" (I might be putting this sentence in all of the reactions 😅) "no ofc not." You said while looking at your food, he laughed and said "cute." And you blushed.


You guys were at a friends party, some drunk girl came up to Sunoo and started flirting with him. Sunoo was kinda judging her bc she looks so wasted, you were just there looking at them. A few minutes passed and you pulled Sunoo away from her. "Hey why'd you take him away!" She said "bc hes my boyfriend." You answered her. "Hey, there you are I've been looking everywhere for you, damn you are so drunk." Her friend said while dragging her outside. "Why'd you pull me away from her?" Sunoo asked "oh come on, ik you were feeling uncomfortable. And besides I saw you judging her." You said, "were you jealous?" He asked while smiling "no I wasn't." You said "yes you were. Aww you were jealous." He said while holding your face.


You guys were taking a walk at the park with Layla. And then some girl comes up and said "aww such a cute dog, just like its owner." She smiled. "Aww thank you." Jake answered. "Hold up- am I invisible here??" You thought, "can I have your number?" She asked "um." Jake looked at you "so yes or no?" She asked "your sister won't mind, right?" She asked while looking at you "the thing is-" you cut him off "excuse me, I'm not his sister." You said "oh then who are you then?" She asked "I'm his girlfriend." What you said made her shocked "oh- I'm sorry I didnt know." She said while leaving. You walked away then Jake followed you, "yn, wait." Jake said "yes?" You answered "are you mad or jealous?" Jake asked while petting Layla, "I was both." You said "aww come here." Jake hugged you and Layla.

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