The mission

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Minato POV

Today Kakashi, Itachi, Shikamaru, Sasuke, Sakura, Gaara, and I have been assigned to find the 9 tails Jin and bring them to the village if we found them dead we had to bring the 9 tails back. So we were on our way to the village hidden in the sand the last place the Jin was sent. We've gotten far in only one day but right now we were running to find shelter for the night in the rain.

As we ran I heard Sasuke yell "LOOK THERE'S A HOUSE OVER THERE" we all stop and look towards the place he was pointing. In the distance there was a large red mansion looking house so we made our way over there hoping the owner would let us stay for the night.

Kushina POV

I was in the kitchen preparing dinner while Iruka set the table. As I was to start cooking there was a knock at the door "I'll get it Kushina-san" Iruka called out "Thank you Dear" he went to answer the door and a few minutes later came to get me "Kushina-san their are humans by the door they wish to speak with you" I nodded my head and set down my utensils "How may I be of ser-" I stopped in the middle of my sentence as I spotted him dripping wat from the storm he looked up at me and stared "K-Kushina?" he questioned "M-Minato" I stated in fear Iruka had come back with towels for the humans in front of us. "K-Kushina I-" he took a step forward as took one back in fear Iruka looked at me in consern "Kushina-san are you ok?" He asked "I-I'm fine".

Minato POV

She was scared and I was the reason. I wanted to say something else but before I could a small child came down the stairs "MOM" he yelled Kushina turned around and pulled the small child into her lap as it giggled "Ah Hello Naru-chan" the brown haired man said Kushina turned towards us "Hi Ruka-san" he addressed she cuddled the child in her lap they looked adorable.

 I wanted to say something else but before I could a small child came down the stairs "MOM" he yelled Kushina turned around and pulled the small child into her lap as it giggled "Ah Hello Naru-chan" the brown haired man said Kushina turned towards...

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(Naruto is not actually this age but it's the only one I could find and Naruto has one tail while Kushina has 4 also this is not my picture)

Minato POV

We all awed at the site and I was admiring the beautiful woman in front of me. As Kushina looked up at me I couldn't help but blush she was beautiful. She whispered in his ear and he then walked up to me 'Plz don't be mad at me small adorable child' I thought he then hugged me "Hey Dad" he said smiling at me I heart burst as I looked at him 'AdOrAbLe' I thought as I hugged the small child "Naruto Dear show you father and the others to the guest rooms while I finish dinner mk" Kushina said "alrighty Mom" Naruto answered "Follow me" he grabbed my hand and we went up stairs.
Today's gonna be a good day.

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