Showing my love

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Sasuke POV

When we got to his room he looked so uncomfortable "What's wrong Baby" I asked him "I'm really hard Sasu help" he said. "Your wish is my command". I kissed Naruto passionately as I pulled down his pants and everything he refused to look at me at first but he eventually came around. I continued to kiss on Naruto leaving his lips different colors from me abusing them. "Ah~ Sasu~ Oh~ Mm~" he moaned I haven't even thrusted in yet and he's already moaning. "You want it Naru" I teased "Yes I want it. I want it bad" he was squirming like crazy just trying to get some action "Stop moving for me love" he did as I told him and I slowly started to move in and out nothing to big yet "Sasu~" He moaned I could tell he just wanted me to ravish him but I had to tease him a little bit.

I kept stopping just to hear him whine and beg me to keep going he was so needy. Eventually I got a boner from his actions and decided to just say fuck it. I pulled him up a little bit and then started to thrust. Hard. He was a mess he grabbed his sheets and started to moan louder than before making it impossible for my erection to go away "AH~ SASUKE MM~" Was all he could say moaning my name over and over until it was all he knew to say "Kitten~ your sooo tight" I purred in his ear at this point he was so far in cloud 9 to even answer me. I kept my thrust's at a good paste for a few minutes before speeding up going harder than before, moving deeper inside my kitten. He had lost his mind and couldn't even speak all I could hear was his moans and attempts to say my name. "Naru~ I'm coming" I told him only making his grip on the sheets tighten. I released and so did he we sat there in the bed for a second to tired to move or even talk. I waited for him to speak before even trying to leave I still have to get home but I can't leave him like this.

"Sasu" I heard him say "Yes love" he whimpered as he moved to face me "Can you run me a bath please" I gave him a kiss on the forehead and then went to make his bath "Do you want bubbles Love" I asked him from the bathroom "Yes please" he answered I made his bubble bath and then put him in the tub "I'll be right back okay" I told him then left to change his sheets and get him some clean clothes by the time I was finished he came wobbling out of the bathroom "You got it?" He shook his head and wobbled on over to his bed "Thanks Sasu" He smiled we shared a kiss and I left. When I got home I took a shower, changed and called Naruto just so that he had someone to talk to. After a little bit he told me he was getting a call and would call me back so I let him go and read a book while I waited for him to call back. That boy makes me so happy and I'm never going to let anyone take him from me.

Naruto POV

I was still wobbling when I walked but it's getting better. I was on the phone with Sasuke when I got a call from the GC with the girls I told him I'd call him back and he said okay, I answered the phone and the girls were questioning me left and right about how I didn't tell them I was home. Oh God now I have to tell them.

Girls I'm fine really

Are you sure

Yeah I'm sure

Okay well did something happen?

Did you get hurt on your way home


No I mean yeah but
Not like that

What do you mean

Okay so I um had a um
Sexual interaction

(They said it in unison)




Did he hurt you while y'all you know

No he took good care
of me

Then it's okay


So you good right


Okay then we're all cool

Yeah but um I
have to call him
back now but I'll see you tomorrow


*Giggles* Bye girls


I hung up the phone and called Sasuke back. We talked for hours and hours but then he had to go for dinner and my mom came home so we said our good byes and he told me to call him tomorrow if I'm not busy. After hanging up the phone I went and helped my mom and brother bring the stuff in the house we ordered takeout and watched movies as we waited for my dad to come home. "Naruto Darling" My mom called "Yes ma'am" I answered "What happened when you got home" I had to come up with something and quick "Oh sorry I got home took a shower and then was on the phone with my friends" I could only hope she believes me "Oh okay then darling" she said and we went back to watching TV in silence. I eventually fell asleep on the couch and hoped dad was on his way home.

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