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Kakashi POV

I smiled as Iruka blushed he really doesn't like the sound of kids. "What does it take a get you pregnant Ruka" I asked "W-Why" he then asked "So that I can avoid it" I answered he blushed "Y-You have to cum i-in me" he answered looking down and to the side "Ok that seems easy enough" he looked up at me "W-Wait what" He looked scared. I pulled him into a small kiss. I then started to softly peck at his lips repeatedly "Ka- ka- shi- st- op- it-" he said in-between pecks so I stopped so he could catch his breath he looked at me flushed causing me to smile he was just to cute. "Can I finish Ruka?" I asked placing my hand on his chin so he couldn't look away. I was going to make him mine and not just because of this dare.

Iruka POV

I don't know what to say I mean I didn't hate it it's just I don't wanna be a toy. "Ruka~ can I or can't I finish" he begged "No" I stated firmly "Awe why not" he pouted "Because I'm not a toy" I said "I know that Ruka" he said in response "So g-get of m-me" I started "But why" he asked again "I just told you why what do you mean" I asked him "I'm not using you as a toy so I don't understand why I can't take you" he said I flushed at his statement "I- um" I'm confused now I don't know what to say "I'll ask again" he started making me look at him by holding my chin "Can. I. Take. You." He said kissing me in-between words "Mmm"  I tried to talk but his hand was on my ear "Is that a-" he started "Yes" I interrupted him my body was moving on it's own 'Damnit heat season and at the worse time'. I tried to tell him to stop but I couldn't.

Kakashi POV

I've wanted a person like Iruka for so long in my life "Mmm~" he moaned in my kiss. "Kashi~" he moaned my name once I stopped the kiss "I-I want you~ bad~" he moaned "Mm you do? I can't tell" I teased he pouted "Take me" he said "Please~" he then pleaded "Whatever you say~" I picked him up and he giggled "Don't touch me there I'm ticklish" he giggled I put him on the bed "Are you ticklish here" I asked as kissed his neck "No but it feels good" He purred 'Oh this is going to be fun' I thought as I kissed Iruka. I slowly started to take of his clothes and then took of mine. I kissed him all over leaving kiss and bite marks all over his abdomen. "Mmm~ Ah~" he was a moaning mess and I found it adorable.

A few moments later

I don't know what happened or how it happened but I do know one thing Iruka is tight. "AH~ YES KAKASHI THERE" Iruka yelled 'Found it' I thought as I hit his prostate over and over again causing him to moan louder than ever. I wanted go harder but I knew I was about to explode. 'I need to pull out or I might get him pregnant' I tried to pull back but Iruka had me in a tight hold "Ruka let go I have a treat for you" I said hoping he'd drop me and he did I pulled out I placed my manhood on the bed "Come here" I told him he sat in front of me and I pulled him towards me so that I could feed him.

Iruka POV

As my heat went down I started to regain myself and when I did I wished I didn't. I opened my eyes to find myself feeding of Kakashi and at the most perfect time to. He came in my mouth and grunted at the release I had no choice but to swallow. My lower region stung and it burned to move. "Are you ok Iruka?" He asked "What did you do to me" I asked whining with every move "You don't remember?" He said as he looked at me "No I do-". Oh kami the memories SWEET KAMI. I blushed and flushed at the memories of what happened "W-we I- I- I-" I can't speak there was nothing I could say. I can't deny the feeling of pleasure or the bit of pain I'm honestly glad he kept his promise but also embarrassed, I went about 4 or 5 times and he came once "You remember now" he asked "Mhm" I answered not really wanting to talk "Regrets" he asked looking away embarrassed "Yeah one" he looked at me upset but interested "My regret is losing my ability to walk" I said as red as ever "Awe that's all you lost" he pouted "If I can't sit straight I'll kill you for dislocating my back." He laughed "I love you too" he chuckled and then kissed me. After one long and passionate kiss he helped me to the bathroom and washed me.

"Iruka" Kakashi called "Yes" I answered "What are we" he asked "Whatever you want Kakashi whatever you want" I purred as he pet me. "How would you feel if I wanted to be together" He asked "I'd be happy" I replied he bent down and kissed my forehead "Then I guess I'm yours" he said as he pet me "And I yours" I replied. After some cuddling Kakashi and I feel asleep. I love this man with all my heart and nothing will stop me from doing so.

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